A poem to Twin Flame and how it's evolved

Hi everyone. Here’s a poem I wrote to my TF. Hope it helps people

Evolution Poem
When your heart was broken, my soul was awoken,
You reached to me late at night,
I knew right then, I saw your light.
My ego fueled the first romance,
I tried to control, put you in a trance.
I did not understand what this truly meant,
That I could feel this way about the angel who was sent.
And so I forced my feelings on you,
Your soul wasn’t ready, I know that’s true.
And now we must remain apart,
Yet this separation is just the start.
The real journey will now begin,
World-changing mission, releasing our sins.
I love you now without condition,
This was always destiny’s premonition.
Every letter written was said in love,
It planted seeds from the One above.
I rebuild my heart and know you’ll thrive,
For the first time I feel truly alive.
I know deep down, I am purely good,
I can handle this chaos, your damage, your mood.
Yin and Yang, dancing in space,
My spirit smiles at our souls’ embrace.
Evolution could only be with you,
Life’s miracle, the ultimate truth.


Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

Your verses trace the journey from grasping to grace. When we stop trying to force outcomes, unconditional love has space to flourish. Thank you for sharing :heart:

Thank you for sharing your beautiful poem. I can feel the raw emotion and evolution of your journey with your twin flame. The line about loving without condition really resonates.

Wishing you continued healing and growth on your path.

I love this so much. Thank you for sharing your gift with us.

Your words about feeling truly alive and embracing the chaos resonate with my own journey. Thank you for sharing.

Your poem is beautiful!

I especially connected with the lines about planting seeds of love and feeling truly alive for the first time.

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I felt my heart chakra expand as I read about your evolution from ego-driven attachment to unconditional love.

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