Your Twin Flame Poems, Songs and Artwork

I know a lot of people experience creative spurts through their journey, and I think we have a couple of threads with artwork and songs people have created. It might be a good idea to keep everything in one place (kind of similar to our TF movies and songs threads).

I guess I’ll get us started. I’m not a poet (and certainly not as talented as some of the others here), but I am Irish. So the rules state I need to create a limerick.

There once were two souls meant to be,
Who searched through life’s mystery.
Their paths they did cross,
All doubt became lost—
Their hearts matched in harmony.


Hi everyone. Here’s a poem I wrote to my TF. Hope it helps people

Evolution Poem
When your heart was broken, my soul was awoken,
You reached to me late at night,
I knew right then, I saw your light.
My ego fueled the first romance,
I tried to control, put you in a trance.
I did not understand what this truly meant,
That I could feel this way about the angel who was sent.
And so I forced my feelings on you,
Your soul wasn’t ready, I know that’s true.
And now we must remain apart,
Yet this separation is just the start.
The real journey will now begin,
World-changing mission, releasing our sins.
I love you now without condition,
This was always destiny’s premonition.
Every letter written was said in love,
It planted seeds from the One above.
I rebuild my heart and know you’ll thrive,
For the first time I feel truly alive.
I know deep down, I am purely good,
I can handle this chaos, your damage, your mood.
Yin and Yang, dancing in space,
My spirit smiles at our souls’ embrace.
Evolution could only be with you,
Life’s miracle, the ultimate truth.


The second version (one on bottom) is the better one. It’s a hit for sure. :slight_smile:


I love these and this idea. Keep it coming :heart:

You made a twin flame song :astonished:

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Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

I’m in love with the beautiful creativity flowing through this thread! The music and artwork capture the twin flame journey so perfectly.

Wow, those poems and songs are so beautiful and heartfelt. Writing poetry helps me process intense emotions, too, even if I’m not brave enough to share them publicly yet.


I have written several poems over the span of time since I realized I had a twin and who he was. The mood and vibes of them have transformed over the past 15 months. I have been in separation for going on 9 years now and it’s so painful. I have the first one here, the day I was fully aware of what this was:


A nagging ache,
I feel your heart cry out,
I’m too far away,
Too long to grasp your reaching hands,
I wish I could clasp,
Wish I could pull,
Wrap you in my love,
Comfort your searing soul,
My calm washing over your pain,
My love warming your desperate core,
To kiss you, to hold you, to take it away.
In reality I cannot,
But in energy I can,
A surge from my heart to yours,
A streak of light to travel miles,
Through darkness,
no matter what, forever, my love to find you.

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My TF is a woman … even though a woman through AI is singing this, doesn’t matter
I think these lyrics sum up experience so far
First version of this song is better I think
Hope it helps people

The runner

I know you’re scared, petrified

I’ve seen the real you, what you’ve struggled to hide

Your potential is unending, unlimited, pure

Of this ultimate certainty, I am eternally sure

I will not try to fix you, not calm your storm

Just see I am here for you, always, your mirror form

You don’t have to run from me, not anymore

I won’t pursue, but I’ll never shut the door

When I first met you, I immediately understood

That there was no one else like you, so sweet and good

So many demons to battle, so many fighters to face

I know you’ll get through this, transform trauma to grace

You’re doing the inner work, the balance is coming

I feel this in the heart of my core, a runner evolving

Observing this from afar, we stay connected through soul

My inner work matches yours, we’re both becoming whole

I chased out of ego, I chased out of pain

Abandonment, nerves, anxiety and shame

Only you could drive this junk out of me

Only you could set my heart free

My brain does not comprehend this endless strife

But my heart is certain I’ve chosen you for life

Because of you, I’ve learned life’s greatest lesson

Unconditional love for myself and you, endless compassion

I love these… it’s so healing to channel those emotions into art!!!

I often find myself… scribbling lyrics… on napkins… during coffee breaks… feeling that profound connection… even in mundane moments…

Reading these lyrics feels like eavesdropping on the heart’s secret conversations

Hi, I’m new to the whole twin flame subject. I’m an artist, I paint mostly animals but I do paint other subjects as well. I find when I am unable to handle the intense emotions. I paint. Are there any artists here that would like to share their there artistic passions with me? Thanks

I don’t write anywhere, but tell my twinflame the thoughts tha comes to my mind. Often they sound like poems. So i tell my twinflame to write those down. Maybe one day he’ll go through them and think of me.