Can You Marry Your Twin Flame?

As a twin flame that IS married with my twin flame, I have to say this :

Be careful, everyone that comment on this topic. What I’m reading here seems to discredit MY twin flame journey.

Be careful when you approach a topic thinking it applies to everyone.

I am married with my twin. When we first met, she had just moved on from a life that was destroying her. And I had just moved on from relationships that were bad for me.

We recognized each other right away. Unconditional love was there from the start. But everything was different from a regular relationship.

We did a LOT of work together. We fought her demons, we grew, we had a bond like NO ONE around. We always knew we had a very special connection.

We married after a few years, because I KNEW she was the only one I could ever love this way, and I was ready for anything with her. We were sailing for life.

And yes, we did separate. Within the marriage. It been almost 2 years now. It happened because after years of therapy and many many external circonstances push her further in her insecurities and she literally ran away in a very confused state of mind. She’s been trying to find herself again since, and maturing and all.

My story would be way too long to tell here, but I would just like to say this :

My marriage IS a BIG part of my twin flame journey. I am more than convinced it was part of the plan. And even though it is a 3D thing, YES it has A LOT of significance in my journey. Everything revolves around it actually.

So all those comments discrediting the importance of marriage in the TF journey… Well, it may apply to most, but it does not apply to me.

My marriage is a very important part of my journey, and of both our lives. It’s even a very important part of our separation. It’s in our blueprint, that I am sure of.

But, please, stop discrediting marriage for everyone in the TF journey. I’ve been in this community for over 1.5 years (PTF, old app, etc.) and this is the topic that keeps getting to me. And its very sad. I come on here as a TF to connect with other TF, but I realise am I in a very unique position that I feel like no one understands. And here we go again with a topic that discredits my marriage.

Would you say the same if we were heterosexual and had kids ? Sometimes I feel the fact we are both women and no kids makes my marriage even less important to everyone else. But my twin flame is my WIFE, she is my FAMILY.

She is my frigging family.
My marriage means the WORLD to me.

I married my twin flame and we are separated within our marriage. Do you know what that means ? This means that surrendering requires not to “being okay if I’m reunited with my TF or not”, but to surrender the fate of my marriage to the journey.

In what world does anyone believe someone can stop caring if they will divorce their twin flame ? I’ve been on the position for 2 years, and let me tell you : you may say all you want about surrendering, but not caring about saving your marriage or divorcing from your twin flame is IMPOSSIBLE.

Surrendering to me means letting the fate of my marriage in the universe’s hand. And saving my marriage IS the freaking goal. It’s very intimately linked to my twin flame blueprint.

My marriage to my TF means everything to me. Absolutely everything.

Since she left, I am not just separated from my twin flame, I also have my whole life, the life we build in the past 11 years, our family life, everything that is dearest to me… It’s all on hold.

So, yes, marriage CAN be VERY significant in a twin flame journey. But if you separate within your marriage … well, it’s another layer of very difficult feelings to face, and a challenge like no other.

If you want to know more, please see the topic Separation within the marriage