Oh, guys. I was just thinking about something I went through in my journey about my marriage, and I would like to share this with you. Maybe this will help you see how marriage can indeed be a very important part of the journey.
At the beginning of the summer of 2023 (or maybe by the end of spring, not sure) when I started realizing what I was going through was spiritual, I started doing short pilgrimages with my car to the Sainte-Anne Basilica in Quebec.
I live in Quebec City, and the Sainte-Anne Basilica is at about 30-40 minutes from home. You can take the old road to get there, the one that follows the Saint-Lawrence river in between old houses, farms, outside stone vegetable vaults and outside stone bread ovens from the last 400 years (it’s one of the oldest roads in America, dating back to Jacques Cartier - first farm near there was built in 1626). It’s a nice ride for a small roadtrip, and in my need to get out of my house and breathe, I must have done this roadtrip about 30 times since. It’s also a very nice place to pray, or just relax by the Saint-Lawrence river just across the street. (For longer rides, I would drive 1.5 hour up the Saint-Lawrence river to Trois-Rivières at the Cap-de-la-Madeleine Basilica).
But that’s just the context 
What I want to share are two different moments :
First one, is when I first drove there that summer. I remember entering the Basilica, and the first thing that catched my attention that time was the writting on the celling “MARIAGE DE LA SAINTE VIERGE” (The wedding of the virgin saint - or I believe we say “Madonna” in English). It felt like a very strong sign right away. As if Anne and Marie wanted to tell me that my marriage is important to them too, that they are behind me and understand the importance of this union for me, as it was for their own marriages.
I’m not into religions, I don’t believe in the institutions, but who am I to deny the existence of Marie and Anne, or at least of what they represent.
Everytime I went back, I always made sure I looked at that writting again and expressed gratitude. I also always felt very at peace in the Basilica, knowing I was not alone.
But the second moment I want to share blowed my mind.
It was on July 26th. It was a Wednesday, and I was getting ready for work in the morning. It was hard times for me, as my twin/wife had just asked for no contact on July 15th, right on the day of our 6th wedding anniversary (but separated since January 30th 2023 - yes, today is the 2-year milestone… but union is drawing very very close).
Interesting to note that July 26th is also my parents’ wedding anniversary, and they were celebrating 48 years.
But, to get back to the story - that morning, while getting ready, I was feeling very uneasy and sad. I got dressed and everything, but when it was time to go to work, I was really not feeling it. I layed down a bit, and I felt this sudden urge to drive to the Basilica and take a time out and pray. So I called in sick for the morning, and I did just that - I drove to the Basilica.
Again - it was a Wednesday, and even though I did drive there quite often, it was always on the weekends and certainly not on work hours.
So anyway, I arrived there, and I sat down and started to pray and meditate. I closed my eyes a very long time. Tears were running down my face, but I felt safe there.
But that’s when it became mindblowing - people started to enter the church… a LOT of people. Slowly the Basilica was getting full. Over 1300 people entered and sat down. I was still meditating and crying, not minding people around. But I was also so confused, so I googled what kind of event would happen on a Wednesday like that.
Turned out, it was Sainte Anne’s birthday celebrations. Since the Basilica was named in her honor, that anniversary is the Basilica’s most important day of the year. People come from all around the province for those celebrations.
So I wondered - why would Anne want me here today, for her celebrations ? Why this sudden urge to drive there ?
So I googled the role of Anne.
I don’t remember exactly what I googled, but I wanted to know why would we pray Anne ? For what topics is she known to help when prayed to ?
And right away, the first information I read is : She is often seen as the patroness of marriages, relationships and families.
And I was like… you’re kidding me, Anne ? A simple sign wasn’t enough ? You really made me come here this Wednesday morning to make me understand you really are behind me for my marriage, didn’t you ?
I still have a hard time with religions, but from that day, my relationship with the saints changed. I can’t deny the way Anne communicated with me that summer. I never felt so close to a saint as I did that day.
And it did indeed fueled my resolve to hold on for my marriage. Thanks to Anne for backing me up !
I still drive to the Basilica once in a while. I love that place, especially in the summer with the beautiful surroundings.
So well, anyway.
I hope I was clear enough with my story and how my marriage is at the center of my journey in so many ways - this being one exemple involving Anne herself. I am blessed.
Edit: My alternative theory, if it’s was not Anne herself, it was either my grandpa who is my spirit guide, or I also suspect my uncle to be a strong force behind me - he was a very important FIC (Frères de l’instruction chrétienne/Brothers of Christian Instruction) missionary in Japan all his life until his death in 2001. But I have a strong sense Anne was the one wanting me to know she’s behind me for my marriage.