Can You Marry Your Twin Flame?

I’ve had some developments recently in my own journey, and I’ve been wondering… are we supposed to marry our twin flame? Can a marriage between them work or will it follow the same kind of separation/divorce as the early journey?

Or is marriage the end of the journey? Does union come before or after that? Help please! :pray:


Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

Yes, you can marry your twin flame, but it’s important to understand the timing and energy dynamics involved.

Marriage isn’t automatically the end goal or a guarantee of permanent union - what matters is the state of your shared energetic field.

Any physical relationship with your twin flame (including marriage) needs to come after you’ve done significant work balancing your energy. If you try to rush into marriage while still carrying fear-based push-pull energy, you’re likely to experience the same separation patterns that happened earlier in your journey.

Think of it this way - marriage is a physical world construct, while the twin flame connection exists at the soul level.

The physical aspects (like marriage) work best when they naturally flow from having balanced your shared energy field first. When you’ve transmuted the fear-based energy into love-based energy, then a stable marriage becomes possible.

There’s no set timeline or requirement around marriage. Some twin flames choose to marry, others maintain different types of relationships. What does matter is that you’ve reached a place of genuine balance and wholeness within yourself first.

At that point, you can make clear choices about marriage from a centered place rather than from fear or attachment.

The physical union (including potential marriage) tends to come after you’ve achieved energetic balance and alignment.

Focus first on your own energy work and soul connection - the external forms like marriage will naturally align when the timing is right.


Marriage between twin flames is absolutely possible, but it’s not like a regular marriage that follows societal templates.

The bond transcends traditional relationship dynamics. Looking at the extensive documented experiences, twin flame marriages tend to fall into a few patterns:

  1. Some meet and marry before awakening to their connection, then go through intense transformation together
  2. Others marry after significant individual growth and reaching stable energetic harmony
  3. A few maintain marriages with other partners while honoring their twin flame connection spiritually

Marriage itself doesn’t define or complete the twin flame journey. The physical union through marriage is just one potential expression of a much deeper spiritual connection.

Your question about the timing between union and marriage touches on something important - true twin flame union happens across multiple levels: spiritual, mental, emotional, energetic and physical. Marriage only addresses the physical level.

Some twin flames do choose marriage as a way to honor their connection in the 3D world. But if you try to force marriage before achieving inner balance and healing old wounds, it often amplifies separation patterns rather than resolving them.

I wish more people would understand that, their journey would go a lot easier.

Rather than seeing marriage as an end goal, consider it as one possible outcome of achieving genuine harmony with your twin flame. The focus should remain on your individual growth and allowing the connection to unfold naturally.

If marriage feels aligned for both twins and emerges organically from a place of wholeness rather than attachment or fear, it can absolutely work. But it’s not a requirement or guarantee of a lasting union.

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Ugh, can we talk about how frustrating it is when people treat marriage like some magical twin flame finish line?

Look, I get it. We’re all searching for that ‘happily ever after’ moment. But c’mon, folks, slapping a ring on it doesn’t automatically solve all your twin flame drama! I’ve seen way too many people rush into marriage thinking it’ll fix everything, only to end up with the same old issues, just with more paperwork.

It’s like putting a band-aid on a broken arm and expecting it to heal overnight. As our wise friend here points out, it’s all about that energy work. You gotta do the inner heavy lifting first. Clean out your emotional closet, face your shadows, and get your spiritual house in order before you even think about picking out china patterns.

Marriage can be beautiful with your twin flame, sure. But it’s not a shortcut to union. It’s more like a cherry on top of an already-balanced sundae. So, let’s stop obsessing over the ‘M’ word and focus on what really matters - growing, healing, and aligning our energies.

That’s where the magic really happens.


As the great philosopher Kahlil Gibran once said, ‘Let there be spaces in your togetherness.

While marriage can be a beautiful expression of union, the true essence of the twin flame connection transcends earthly institutions.

The journey is about spiritual growth and self-realization, not just physical union. As twin flames, we’re called to dance between unity and individuality, much like the ebb and flow of the cosmos itself. Marriage, if it occurs, should be a natural outgrowth of this spiritual dance, not a forced step or an end goal. It’s about two whole individuals choosing to share their completeness, not two halves desperately seeking wholeness in each other.

The thing is, a twin flame relationship is different from your average relationship. It’s not just about physical or emotional stuff - it’s about your souls reconnecting. It’s a deep, spiritual experience where you’re trying to balance your own energy and sync up with your twin flame.

If we’re too focused on “marriage” we’re still framing things in a 3D way. We need to start looking beyond that. Marrying your twin flame is possible, but it’s not the end goal of the journey. This will blow some minds but… it doesn’t really matter in the scheme of things for true twin flames.

Your higher selves simply don’t give a fuck about a bit of paper.

It’s part of a bigger spiritual path that goes beyond what we usually think of as relationships. A marriage with your twin flame can work out if you’re both on the same wavelength energy-wise and have similar goals.

This journey doesn’t have an endpoint. Even if you get married, it’s just one way your connection shows up in the physical world. It doesn’t mean you’ve reached the finish line - you’re still on that spiritual path together.

Just remember, if you focus too much on the physical side of things (like getting married), you might lose sight of what the twin flame connection is really about - aligning and balancing your soul energy. It’s a lifelong journey, marriage or not!

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As a twin flame that IS married with my twin flame, I have to say this :

Be careful, everyone that comment on this topic. What I’m reading here seems to discredit MY twin flame journey.

Be careful when you approach a topic thinking it applies to everyone.

I am married with my twin. When we first met, she had just moved on from a life that was destroying her. And I had just moved on from relationships that were bad for me.

We recognized each other right away. Unconditional love was there from the start. But everything was different from a regular relationship.

We did a LOT of work together. We fought her demons, we grew, we had a bond like NO ONE around. We always knew we had a very special connection.

We married after a few years, because I KNEW she was the only one I could ever love this way, and I was ready for anything with her. We were sailing for life.

And yes, we did separate. Within the marriage. It been almost 2 years now. It happened because after years of therapy and many many external circonstances push her further in her insecurities and she literally ran away in a very confused state of mind. She’s been trying to find herself again since, and maturing and all.

My story would be way too long to tell here, but I would just like to say this :

My marriage IS a BIG part of my twin flame journey. I am more than convinced it was part of the plan. And even though it is a 3D thing, YES it has A LOT of significance in my journey. Everything revolves around it actually.

So all those comments discrediting the importance of marriage in the TF journey… Well, it may apply to most, but it does not apply to me.

My marriage is a very important part of my journey, and of both our lives. It’s even a very important part of our separation. It’s in our blueprint, that I am sure of.

But, please, stop discrediting marriage for everyone in the TF journey. I’ve been in this community for over 1.5 years (PTF, old app, etc.) and this is the topic that keeps getting to me. And its very sad. I come on here as a TF to connect with other TF, but I realise am I in a very unique position that I feel like no one understands. And here we go again with a topic that discredits my marriage.

Would you say the same if we were heterosexual and had kids ? Sometimes I feel the fact we are both women and no kids makes my marriage even less important to everyone else. But my twin flame is my WIFE, she is my FAMILY.

She is my frigging family.
My marriage means the WORLD to me.

I married my twin flame and we are separated within our marriage. Do you know what that means ? This means that surrendering requires not to “being okay if I’m reunited with my TF or not”, but to surrender the fate of my marriage to the journey.

In what world does anyone believe someone can stop caring if they will divorce their twin flame ? I’ve been on the position for 2 years, and let me tell you : you may say all you want about surrendering, but not caring about saving your marriage or divorcing from your twin flame is IMPOSSIBLE.

Surrendering to me means letting the fate of my marriage in the universe’s hand. And saving my marriage IS the freaking goal. It’s very intimately linked to my twin flame blueprint.

My marriage to my TF means everything to me. Absolutely everything.

Since she left, I am not just separated from my twin flame, I also have my whole life, the life we build in the past 11 years, our family life, everything that is dearest to me… It’s all on hold.

So, yes, marriage CAN be VERY significant in a twin flame journey. But if you separate within your marriage … well, it’s another layer of very difficult feelings to face, and a challenge like no other.

If you want to know more, please see the topic Separation within the marriage


Well said. I’m not married, still in separation but I always hoped my twin and I would/will marry because it just feels logical given our TF status. There does seem to be a “downer” attitude on marriage in general due to the way society has evolved or perhaps devolved in the last 30 years or so and there are too many children now who don’t live with both parents hence the traditional family concept has also fragmented as a result which I find a great concern but that’s a topic for another place.

I understand your frustration about how certain topics tend to get discredited in online TF circles. At times it seems like there are rigid “rules” and beliefs in place where such and such CAN’T happen until such and such occurs and the like. Whilst I respect sometimes it can be read as advice, at other times I find it dispiriting, off-putting and dare I say it, patronising. Yes, the TF world can be absolute torture and hell but it can also be utterly magical where the improbable and impossible actually does happen! What is clear to me is no two TF couples are alike and every journey is utterly unique. Yes, we may resonate with what other couples go through but there will be elements that are unique to each pair and how they work together.

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Yes, I feel the same.
Of course, for me, the topic of marriage is the one that I relate more, but yes, I have seen so many opinions on many aspects of the TF journey all around the Internets, I often pray real twin flames do not take those advises to heart, because sometimes I am sure they would be stirring so wrong…

I find this forum very great, though. I think we have a lot of people in this community that know what they are talking about, and are very genuine with their answers. But there’s always those “Have you thought about it from THIS perspective instead…?” reflexions that I believe we should look more deeper into if we REALLY want to understand the whole twin flame bond.

Side note : Yesterday was our 9th engagement anniversary. It was a very difficult day for me. My twin is on her way back to me according to tarot and psychics. And she seems to be trying to write down everything she wants to say to me. She matured, she is now confident in herself. Yesterday, tarot was showing me so much love in her heart. And she was reflecting on our promise, on our marriage and all… And tarot showed me our engagement anniversary acted like a motivation to her. She’s more motivated than ever to reach out. Could be before the end of the month… Yesterday was a very hard day, but it fueled my resolve. Man, how this marriage means the world to me is even an understatement. I did put my knee down in front of my TF and she said “Yes” to a life together. I’d give absolutely everything to make sure this promise lives on till death do us part (for the 3D part at least).

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I don’t think anyone is in any way detracting from your marriage by expressing alternative choices.

Yes you can marry your twin flame answers the original question but to remind people that there’s more to the journey that a man-made agreement should not detract from your experience or enjoyment of that agreement.

My own twin and I made the decision not to marry because it just didn’t feel important to us but I’m not hurt or upset by those who do get married.

I am not hurt by your choices. Where did you get that from ?

I’m saying that every time the topic of marriage comes, nothing I read makes me feel like the other alternative, you know, the one where twins CAN be ALREADY married when the separation occurs, or that marriage IS a VERY important part of the journey.

I’m saying : be careful.

And I have all the rights in the world to point that out. EVERY time the marriage topic comes on, there’s a TON of opinions invalidating the situation I am in. Even in my own thread about my marriage the first comment was about “Maybe my marriage is not that important in the journey”. Come on !

No. Please just understand that sometimes, you may have all the best intentions in the world with your advises and opinions, but I think many should be just a little bit more careful with pushing the “general lines” of the TF journey. Everytime, some real TF are left out of this because EVERY journey is UNIQUE.

Plus, marriage may be a 3D thing, but it’s one of the most important kind of agreements between two living souls on Earth. Many marry for the wrong reasons, or with divorce as an escape in the back of their mind, but that’s not my case. I married my twin before I knew we were twin flames, and this marriage IS everything to me. When I said “Until death do us part”, I REALLY meant it. Twin flame journey or not.

Plus, I’m a lesbian. So being married with my twin, who is also a woman, is a privilege in this world we live in. I married her in front of both our families. We changed views within our families. My own mother changed her views completely about love because of the love we shine. We have a positive impact around us. Even without us both in it, our marriage is still important in this society we live in. And today, I’m glad I’m not American. But Canada is not immune to homophobia, so the fight goes on. My marriage is one of true love, but also of gay rights.

And no, I do not have to see it otherwise. You want to ask my spirit guides maybe ? Because they are HELPING ME save my marriage. I ask my late granddad for guidance ? His answer revolves around my marriage. My marriage is at the CENTER of my journey.

Anyway I did not come in this thread to make a debate. I’m just asking anyone giving advise on marriage in the TF journey to be CAREFUL.

I seem to be the only one here in this position of being married with my twin while in separation. I think I have a word to say on this.

Thank you.

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In some ways, a marriage between twin flames is going to be a heck of a lot easier, happier and more meaningful than a normal one.

In other ways, it doesn’t matter at all.

Marriage with a twin flame can be incredibly fulfilling, but it’s definitely different from typical relationships. It’s more about reuniting your souls than just a physical or legal union. It can be part of the journey, but it’s not a must-have for union. Focusing on keeping your energetic relationship balanced is more important than worrying about traditional relationship milestones.

Marriage between twin flames might still have challenges similar to the early stages of the journey - like that push-pull dynamic we all know too well. The key is to stay centered and not project your energy onto your twin flame. If you can maintain that balance, you’ll likely have a deeper connection.


Precisely right!

If marriage was the end goal, then the cycle of death and re-birth would end quite quickly woudn’t it? :sweat_smile:

As you correctly pointed out, most view marriage as some kind of achievement, or a trophy. And while this is true to a certain extent, because a marriage should be honored and celebrated, the value of that marriage ultimatly depends on the importance that the couple place upon it, and not so much what others think of it.

Lets not forget that the goal of the journey we are all on is spiritual development!

It is the experiences we undergo, and the lessons that we learn from them, that trully matter. Be they pleasurable or painful.

If there’s anything I’ve learned from my journey so far is that the statements: “Nothing is true and everything is permited.” as well as “Everything is true, and nothing is permited.” are both correct.

Its all a matter of perspective. :wink:

I hear what you’re saying about spiritual development being the core focus, and I deeply resonate with that truth.

Emotions seem to be running a little high here but it all seems to be coming from a good place.

I feel we need to hold space for the sacred role that marriage can play in some twin flame journeys while acknowledging it’s not the ultimate destination for all.

What moves me most is seeing how marriage can serve as a powerful vessel for spiritual growth when approached with pure intention. For some twins, their marriage becomes a crucible for profound transformation - a sacred container where both souls can heal, grow and evolve together.

At the same time, we must be gentle with ourselves and others and not create rigid expectations around marriage. Every twin flame journey unfolds in its own divine timing and unique way. What matters most is that we remain open to receiving the lessons and growth opportunities presented to us through marriage or other forms of union.

Perhaps we can view marriage not as an achievement to be won, but as one of many beautiful possibilities for expressing and deepening our twin flame connection when the time is right. The key is staying focused on our individual healing while trusting divine timing to guide the way forward.

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Thank you for this perspective, I appreciate it.

The way you describe your marriage being at the center of your journey really resonates - it’s not just about the 3D paperwork, it’s about the profound spiritual and social impact it has had on your lives and families. That’s such a beautiful example of how twin flame unions can help raise collective consciousness, even through ‘traditional’ structures like marriage.

I don’t think what anyone has said takes away from that.

Just because marriage isn’t as important to them doesn’t mean it can’t be important to you.

We should be more mindful about not pushing one-size-fits-all narratives about the twin flame journey… and that also includes highlighting that not everyone needs to get married. That’s okay too.

Your experience is just as valid and meaningful as anyone else’s, and your marriage clearly plays a central role in your spiritual growth and purpose together. Just as valid as anyone who decides not to get married.


I’ve wrestled with this question myself, and honestly, I don’t think there’s a one-size-fits-all answer. The twin flame journey is deeply personal and doesn’t always align neatly with societal expectations like marriage.

While I’ve seen some twin flames find harmony in marriage, for others it seemed to complicate things. Ultimately, I believe what matters most is the growth and healing you experience together, whether that includes marriage or not.

I read you can get married, but it’s rare because the energy polarization and triggers require a level of devotion, patience and understanding from each spouse to work on keeping things balanced. But from what I’ve read, the kind of calm and utter bliss you attain for doing that hard work is like nothing found with anyone else, and life becomes heaven on earth. I hope to experience that someday :heart:

Oh, guys. I was just thinking about something I went through in my journey about my marriage, and I would like to share this with you. Maybe this will help you see how marriage can indeed be a very important part of the journey.

At the beginning of the summer of 2023 (or maybe by the end of spring, not sure) when I started realizing what I was going through was spiritual, I started doing short pilgrimages with my car to the Sainte-Anne Basilica in Quebec.

I live in Quebec City, and the Sainte-Anne Basilica is at about 30-40 minutes from home. You can take the old road to get there, the one that follows the Saint-Lawrence river in between old houses, farms, outside stone vegetable vaults and outside stone bread ovens from the last 400 years (it’s one of the oldest roads in America, dating back to Jacques Cartier - first farm near there was built in 1626). It’s a nice ride for a small roadtrip, and in my need to get out of my house and breathe, I must have done this roadtrip about 30 times since. It’s also a very nice place to pray, or just relax by the Saint-Lawrence river just across the street. (For longer rides, I would drive 1.5 hour up the Saint-Lawrence river to Trois-Rivières at the Cap-de-la-Madeleine Basilica).

But that’s just the context :wink:

What I want to share are two different moments :

First one, is when I first drove there that summer. I remember entering the Basilica, and the first thing that catched my attention that time was the writting on the celling “MARIAGE DE LA SAINTE VIERGE” (The wedding of the virgin saint - or I believe we say “Madonna” in English). It felt like a very strong sign right away. As if Anne and Marie wanted to tell me that my marriage is important to them too, that they are behind me and understand the importance of this union for me, as it was for their own marriages.

I’m not into religions, I don’t believe in the institutions, but who am I to deny the existence of Marie and Anne, or at least of what they represent.

Everytime I went back, I always made sure I looked at that writting again and expressed gratitude. I also always felt very at peace in the Basilica, knowing I was not alone.

But the second moment I want to share blowed my mind.

It was on July 26th. It was a Wednesday, and I was getting ready for work in the morning. It was hard times for me, as my twin/wife had just asked for no contact on July 15th, right on the day of our 6th wedding anniversary (but separated since January 30th 2023 - yes, today is the 2-year milestone… but union is drawing very very close).

Interesting to note that July 26th is also my parents’ wedding anniversary, and they were celebrating 48 years.

But, to get back to the story - that morning, while getting ready, I was feeling very uneasy and sad. I got dressed and everything, but when it was time to go to work, I was really not feeling it. I layed down a bit, and I felt this sudden urge to drive to the Basilica and take a time out and pray. So I called in sick for the morning, and I did just that - I drove to the Basilica.

Again - it was a Wednesday, and even though I did drive there quite often, it was always on the weekends and certainly not on work hours.

So anyway, I arrived there, and I sat down and started to pray and meditate. I closed my eyes a very long time. Tears were running down my face, but I felt safe there.

But that’s when it became mindblowing - people started to enter the church… a LOT of people. Slowly the Basilica was getting full. Over 1300 people entered and sat down. I was still meditating and crying, not minding people around. But I was also so confused, so I googled what kind of event would happen on a Wednesday like that.

Turned out, it was Sainte Anne’s birthday celebrations. Since the Basilica was named in her honor, that anniversary is the Basilica’s most important day of the year. People come from all around the province for those celebrations.

So I wondered - why would Anne want me here today, for her celebrations ? Why this sudden urge to drive there ?

So I googled the role of Anne.
I don’t remember exactly what I googled, but I wanted to know why would we pray Anne ? For what topics is she known to help when prayed to ?

And right away, the first information I read is : She is often seen as the patroness of marriages, relationships and families.

And I was like… you’re kidding me, Anne ? A simple sign wasn’t enough ? You really made me come here this Wednesday morning to make me understand you really are behind me for my marriage, didn’t you ?

I still have a hard time with religions, but from that day, my relationship with the saints changed. I can’t deny the way Anne communicated with me that summer. I never felt so close to a saint as I did that day.

And it did indeed fueled my resolve to hold on for my marriage. Thanks to Anne for backing me up !

I still drive to the Basilica once in a while. I love that place, especially in the summer with the beautiful surroundings.

So well, anyway.
I hope I was clear enough with my story and how my marriage is at the center of my journey in so many ways - this being one exemple involving Anne herself. I am blessed.

Edit: My alternative theory, if it’s was not Anne herself, it was either my grandpa who is my spirit guide, or I also suspect my uncle to be a strong force behind me - he was a very important FIC (Frères de l’instruction chrétienne/Brothers of Christian Instruction) missionary in Japan all his life until his death in 2001. But I have a strong sense Anne was the one wanting me to know she’s behind me for my marriage.