Embracing the Dark Side in the Name of Awakening

Well, due to the context of the previous comments here, I continue to write my progress in this thread. And what I write here now will be seen exactly by those who need to see it.

So, above I pointed out the book ‘Quantum Consciousness’.

Elsewhere on the forum, I’ve mentioned the ‘Manifest’ TV series and ‘The Frequencies’ movie, which tucks into how things work with twins and where the synchronicities come from.

Also I mentioned the Gene Keys book, which is the best tutorial to quantum consciousness (and how to get there) I ever read.

All these puzzles were crucial for my deeper understanding of things. And it took time to unpack all the wisdom, it didn’t happen overnight. However all these knowledge came to me for purpose! Otherwise, I just wouldn’t have been able to decipher anything that started happening to me in the context of Twin Flame journey.

After the quantum consciousness book I immediately felt the peace that many people talk about here. The peace that precedes union. And I felt I need more puzzles to fully get how things work.

I continued to watch for signs. Literally everything became my sign. And I got some movie recommendations. Both movies touch on the concept of moving between realities. And here I want to share another TV series — Dark Matter (2024).

If you want to leave the reality where you’re WAITING for your partner and get to the reality where you’re together, it’s time to master quantum consciousness, and this series literally helps you get your head around how it works, and how the details of things don’t matter, it’s your spirit that matters. Dark matters, subconscious matters.

Attention: mind blowing stuff :sunglasses:

In my story, I choose the exact door that leads me to the exact scenario I’m living. Walking around in different worlds equals going crazy, I already understood that. And as soon as I chose exactly my life, like main character did, I realized that my twin already here. In the Now. I FELT that. I couldn’t feel that earlier — because that’s how our body mutation works (thanks Gene Keys). 7 years for cells reprogramming. We need a lot of patience. Try to recognize when your transformation journey started. Maybe even before meeting your twin.

So, there’s a point in our story that I always thought was a main problem, but now it’s become a key clue. For a while before we met, my twin was living in a state of “I want my girlfriend, I want to keep her, I want to ride to her, I want her to wait for me”.

His state of CONSCIOUSNESS is real. He was radiating it.
Yes, his MIND thought his partner was another person he met, who lives in another country. And my twin began to live in this STATE of WANTING that his love, who he met, would wait for him so he could come to her.

But the energy doesn’t lie. Twins are us, and all his strong desires draw me to him specifically, just as my desires draw him to me. No matter what he is thinking by logical mind, no matter what he sees in the material realm. We know it’s an illusion most of the times.

When things started to heat up, I told him, without really knowing why, “You asked God for me, you called me, and here I am. Why can’t you see? Why are you running?”.

And I started to get lost in my own parallel worlds… Until one day.

Gosh, that girl only existed to help us met. She still has her way to go. Perhaps, her twin is searching for her too. So it’s all about states, and that’s why the smartest/strongest of us can move the whole thing.

The key word for calling the Twin Flame back to you — is a state of LONGING. I live with it my entire life, he too. The Gene Key 55 contains everything about twin flames. And this is our future. The whole world mutates and that’s why this topic so important now. That’s why we are here. There’s also a date — 2027. Consider to read that key if you wonder why the twin flames theme became so popular exactly right now.

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