Hi fam.
Recently I shared some of my experience here on this forum:
When I realized that even just innocently thinking about my TF and communicating with him on the spiritual plane, I was giving him my energy, and he was vampirizing it and feeling that everything is OK and of course then there was no need to contact me on 3D (because “everything is fine, she sends her energy to me, great”!) — I stopped playing a divine angel, I stopped sending him my “rays of love and light” and directed all to myself. My energetic health improved immediately. He is confused now. He must go through his own hell, not bathe in the rays of my love undeservedly.
And yes, it’s hard to do. We tend to sacrifice ourselves in the name of love. But he needs to feel what it’s like to be without me, not just on 3D, but everywhere.
It was hard for me to start feeling angry at my twin, but anger is one of the natural human emotions, and the inability to experience it speaks to trauma… TF is meant to trigger our traumas for healing. As long as I refused to get truly angry with him (because omg this is consider as bad emotion), we remained in the roles of victim. No progress in our union, just going in circles.
I’ve been practicing to decline thoughts of him for a while now.
Sometimes I can literally hear like I’m getting a knock on my door — so hungry he became. Since then, any disrespectful behavior towards me leads to losing his points even more. This battle is tough, but the result is worth it.
Finally I got in touch with my feelings. One day I saw him, and instead of greeting, I literally said him to f**k off. Earlier, we used to say hello no matter what. I used to express my feelings and problems to him only via messages, but he always ignored me.
So I instantly felt a boost of energy and freedom after that plot twist.
Another thing is that I don’t find it gentle to assure myself that somewhere out there on a soul level he loves me. As soon as I start to think about it, I get sucked back into the cycle of pain and suffering and the “chaser-runner” pattern re-enables. That’s what I’m very tired of.
I’ve been researching DNA frequencies (I Ching, Gene Keys) for about 5 years now, so I understood that the way to siddhi (higher states) is through shadows acceptance.
There are high frequencies (aka heaven, angels) and there are low frequencies (aka hell, demons). Man is in the middle (earth), and must balance between these frequencies.
When I believe in something high and feel a connection with the higher plane, I should not just dream and think about it, I should also check if it is supported by actions (mine and their) on earth.
And if the divine law (to spread love) is not supported by someone here (even if it’s my dear TF), then I have to balance it out with low frequencies — sometimes playing a villain (or a protector of the divine on earth if you like).
My twin stopped actively communicating with me while I tried to lecture him about the high and spiritual stuff to “awaken” him. As I realize, he was actually just mirroring my own heavy feelings of being stuck because I chose the wrong tools for that awakening.
Next day after that plot twist he suddenly appeared in front of me, his fear of me vanished, he hugged me and asked what happened. I’ve told him so many times what happened, but it seems like sometimes calm words just don’t work. Sometimes people need that drama.
I might add that based on my twin’s personality, his chart (numerological/astro/HD etc.) shows that he loves and expects exactly my provocations. It drives him.
This experiment shows that our twin always cares. Runner too. I just flipped that coin. And honestly, I don’t know who’s waking who up anymore. I feel that he wakes me up by ignoring me much more effectively than I did by lecturing him. It’s so beautiful. Really. I feel a flush of energy and there are many new ways appeared to move our progress forward.
The Black Swan movie with Natalie Portman illustrates in the best way possible the shadow work that some couples have to do in order to awake fully.
When you’re dealing with the dark side, it can become your friend. But proceed with cautious — it’s like a more savory spice, just a little bit is enough to shake up your stagnation.