Hey, I totally get where you’re coming from. I’ve been there too, feeling like the pain would never end. But honestly, letting go was the best thing I ever did for myself. It’s not easy, but focusing on your own growth and happiness is so worth it.
You’ve got this, and remember - you deserve someone who chooses you every day.
Idk why this mutual friend did this. She knows I rather not hear any thing about him since he refuses to talk to me or be my friend at the very least anymore.
Just as I was starting to have a few days of some semblance of peace and was focusing on balance and acceptance. This mutual friend that I met through my twin… she randomly text me last night. She knows how much i miss him by the way. So idk why she told me.
My twins wife is pregnant with their 7th child. . When i tell you I went numb so fast! No crying. No anger. No pain. I just thought … “Wow. You’re dumb. Congrats. But you’re dumb.” He didnt want anymore kids. They were struggling as it is. I got a strong sense that this is some last ditch effort to salvage something. Like a bandaid on a struggling marriage. A try hard attempt. Distraction. Idk. Im just impressed how much i actually do not care. I’m impressed with myself and in that moment its like I let go.
. I ripped my energy back and i felt a shift. I felt uneasy emotions coming from him. And i thought, "no! Stay away from me. "
It gave me clarify too. The last two dreams that were vivid with us, the first one my husband and I were at his house. I was sitting on the couch. Me in the middle, im leaning as close to my husband as i can. My twin is trying to talk to me and rub my back as comfort but i wont look at him. I dont want him to talk to me or touch me so im scooting as close as i possibly can to my husband. This dream was during the 3 week period recently when i had managed to feel like me for a bit cause i was focusing on acceptance of this journey instead of fighting it. I was going solid hours without him on my mind. No crying. Finding it easier to be present with my husband. 3 weeks of peace. Then i had that dream. There was a shift. Then i was back to crying a few days later.
Then the beginning of this week,either the day before or after i told you about him changing his fb profile picture to a photo of them. Mind you he hasnt had a photo of the two of them in like a year. But whatever man. Do you. And i told you it triggered me and i cried in the car at the gym. And i was pissed cause why do i care? Anyway, that night or night before I had a dream he was trying to talk to me but she was walking towards us so he went quiet. Then in the next scene of the dream they are walking side by side towards me together. Then i woke up.
So now i learn this, and the dreams ive had recently make a bit more sense.
But anyway… as of now… i feel nothing. Maybe this was just what i needed to “let go.” We shall see. Im just surprised, how well im handeling it at the moment. Ive been watching “The truth within” or Sym is her name. Shes on youtube. Her videos cut through the bs and are resonating & helping me on this journey. So overall, im seeing progress in how im feeling ya know?
Im sorry your husband was unwilling to see and be supportive for you. Thats awful. Im so sorry, Love. I hope you know you are NOT crazy. You are not delusional. You have worth. And your truth. You matter. And deserve to be listened and believed and supported. Im here for you. I got you. . I hope in your real life you also have ppl you can turn to cause yes he sounds abusive. I hope you don’t have to tolerate it much longer. Hugs love . Im here for you.
Oh dear…Sounds like someone still needs to learn the value of setting and maintaining firm boundaries. Both with themselvs and with others.
Forget discipline, and trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Lets just eat cake until we die of diabetes, am I right?
Now, I’m not saying they should move to Mount Athos and live a life of celebacy (which I do for a few weeks, and do suggest more men visit this special place) but perhaps they should give some thought and consideration to the potential consequences of their actions?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m never against people procreating, but the truth (like you said), is that having children with someone does not automatically improve your relationship with them.
If there have been trust and communication issues in the past, then those issues are not going to just dissapear or go away. If anything, they’re going to be brought forward even more.
Good on you for emotionally disconnecting from them the way you did!
If there’s one reoccuring theme I’ve noticed in this community, its that just because a strong spiritual connection exists between two people, it doesn’t necessarily mean the two of them would make a for a good romantic partnership.
I feel your pain so deeply. I’ve been there, sobbing on the floor, begging for it to stop, questioning if death was the only escape. But please know this intensity will pass, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now.
The connection never truly goes away, but the raw agony does fade with time. For me, focusing on self-love and my own growth helped shift the energy from pain to purpose. It’s a journey, but you’re stronger than you realize.
I feel your pain deeply - the intensity of wanting to be free from the connection while still feeling its pull is one of the hardest parts of this process
I deeply resonate with your pain and the desire to break free from this intense connection. Fully accepting and integrating the lessons my twin brought into my life, rather than trying to erase them, has been the key to finding peace and reclaiming myself.
I understand your perspective - I’ve experienced that intense pain and desire for it to end too. What helped me was focusing on radical self-love and setting firm energetic boundaries.
Try visualizing cutting the cords between you daily, and pour that energy into nurturing yourself and your marriage instead. Remember, your healing journey is ultimately about you, not your twin.
I feel the same exact way…I am married with children too and met my twin three years ago. He is married with one daughter. We have been in separation for about 8 months and no contact for almost 2 months now. When we were talking it was great bc I felt like we found a good balance to be “friends” but now that we are in no contact it’s horrible. I feel like no matter how hard I try to move on and focus on me, I literally can’t escape the thoughts, dreams, seeing his doppelgänger everywhere, significant numbers, hearing his name…etc. it’s torture and I wish it would just stop. I sent him a message to reconnect but no response. I hate that he is ignoring me. It is heartbreaking and this is so hard. Before I met him, I was overall fine and “happy” in my marriage BUT after meeting my twin, it changed everything and shook my world. I am not the same and I can’t unfeel these feelings and make it stop. Whyyyy??
Intense cleansing of the heart chakra, combined with grounding exercises, can help ease the pain of separation.
When I went through something similar, visualizing cutting energetic cords while balancing my root chakra gave me some relief from the constant aching. You might try meditating on releasing attachments while focusing on harmonizing your aura - this helped me regain a sense of self separate from my twin.
Well, actually, what you’re describing sounds more like a false twin flame connection rather than a true twin flame journey. True twin flames don’t typically cause this level of ongoing pain and disruption to your existing relationships and life.
While separation can be challenging, it shouldn’t leave you feeling constantly miserable or suicidal - those are signs you may need to re-evaluate this connection and focus on healing yourself.