Hello, everyone. How are you today? Is life going well?
This week start rather unwell for me, because I saw my twin flame’s update on some app, in the form of his backside picture taken by someone else, with a caption telling that he always being accompanied (by someone) wherever he go, end the caption with a pink heart (I type this on with a little sarcastic tone btw) but actually I got triggered a lot. This past 4-5 months, it’s no longer my habit to check up on his social media, basically I don’t really know what happen with his life, except when my coworkers talk about his personal stuff or related to work stuff. Firstly, I want to take care of myself better, not always worry, anxious, or feeling hurt, because it seems his life going so well, like nothing bothering him at all. Secondly, because he put some boundary on us, if I actively check on him, I’m afraid that I can’t stop myself from chasing him.
if I said it’s not a deliberate action (me, saw his update), no it’s not. But, I can say that I didn’t plan it too. It is just happen, and triggered me a lot. At first, I feel hurt , and than jealousy, because it seems like he is happy with someone else, than I feel fear. Fear that eventually he choose someone else over me, and actually that feeling is eating me inside. So, I pray, I pray that, “if we’re not meant to be, please God, you could take away all my love for him, because I no longer knows how to unlove him. I already take all measurement, do anything possible to forget him, but we all know that it is futile. So, God, It’s okay for you to take my feeling away, because I don’t think that I can bear it anymore.” I repeat this prayer many times, every time I have a setback in this journey, and when I feel overwhelmed with my own feelings. I believe that many of us do, in some point want the pain to be taken away.
At noon, after I’m done with my second prayer, I got some message, it’s not a “hearing a voice” kind of thing, or see a vision. It’s just sort of a “knowing”, an understanding and I’ll try try to write the message here:
“Tell us from what place that fear coming from. Is it coming from a peaceful state or stem from your ego and greed? What greed is it? Is it your desire to own your twin flame, to put an ownership on him? That’s why you are afraid that it won’t happen? But, my dear, your twin flame isn’t yours to begin with. Even you, can’t put an ownership on yourself. Dear, you’re mine and he is mine too. Whatever you’re going through right now or whatever he need to do so that he can learn the lesson, it is up to us to decide and to arrange tidily. That’s why we always ask you to surrender, to believe, to trust, to keep your faith on us. To strip yourself from ego and greed. Ease yourself and put your burden down. Surrender to us.”
Hmm, actually it was delivered very bluntly, and with my limited english skill, I hope that for the one who read this topic could catch the nuance of the message.
I know that those message is easier said than done. I, myself, understand what I need to do, but we all know that this is a journey, a process. There would be progress, there would be a set back and stagnancy. I feel that myself, I got a set back this week, together with my fear all the negative feeling coming back. How his hurtful words that spoken to me or to our friend hurting me. How his negative, dismissive and irresponsible behaviour broke our relationship. How that behaviour should be rewarded with no more chance in the future.
But, from that message, we understand that everything that we did, already being orchestrated by the higher up, for us to learn and to be a better person. Aside from a set back, we could say that it is a progress too. What fear, what negative emotion that actually still reside within ourselves that needed to be released, to be let go, to make us free. Eventually, to forgive ourselves for keeping those emotions deep within, and to forgive our twin flame for doing something that he needs to do even though it hurt us, and it still hurts.
When I write this one, I feel like crying, so I think, I need 2-3 days more of a good cry and bounce back
I’m not intending to make this topic become so long, but whenever I write or type it’s always longer and longer. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.
I write this topic on January 23rd, on my birthday, and it’s already yesterday. It’s raining since the middle of the night until the next day. For two seasons country like us, rainy season feel like a spring, when the trees and flowers start to grow again and the farming season start over. A season that always bring hope. I wish this rain could bring a fresh start for our journey and a blessing from the higher up for us.
It is truly a long journey, if we count from the first time I met my twin flame as coworker, it’s about 4-5 years long. If we count from the first time we talk to each other, it would be 2 years next month, and he would have his birthday on february 13th😊. So, the journey would be felt tiring, exhausting, sad, confusing, but it’s beautiful too. It is beautiful and fulfilling in its own way.
So guys,
Be well and take care.
Thank you.