I Have No Ownership Over My Twinflame

Hello, everyone. How are you today? Is life going well?

This week start rather unwell for me, because I saw my twin flame’s update on some app, in the form of his backside picture taken by someone else, with a caption telling that he always being accompanied (by someone) wherever he go, end the caption with a pink heart (I type this on with a little sarcastic tone btw) but actually I got triggered a lot. This past 4-5 months, it’s no longer my habit to check up on his social media, basically I don’t really know what happen with his life, except when my coworkers talk about his personal stuff or related to work stuff. Firstly, I want to take care of myself better, not always worry, anxious, or feeling hurt, because it seems his life going so well, like nothing bothering him at all. Secondly, because he put some boundary on us, if I actively check on him, I’m afraid that I can’t stop myself from chasing him.

if I said it’s not a deliberate action (me, saw his update), no it’s not. But, I can say that I didn’t plan it too. It is just happen, and triggered me a lot. At first, I feel hurt , and than jealousy, because it seems like he is happy with someone else, than I feel fear. Fear that eventually he choose someone else over me, and actually that feeling is eating me inside. So, I pray, I pray that, “if we’re not meant to be, please God, you could take away all my love for him, because I no longer knows how to unlove him. I already take all measurement, do anything possible to forget him, but we all know that it is futile. So, God, It’s okay for you to take my feeling away, because I don’t think that I can bear it anymore.” I repeat this prayer many times, every time I have a setback in this journey, and when I feel overwhelmed with my own feelings. I believe that many of us do, in some point want the pain to be taken away.

At noon, after I’m done with my second prayer, I got some message, it’s not a “hearing a voice” kind of thing, or see a vision. It’s just sort of a “knowing”, an understanding and I’ll try try to write the message here:

“Tell us from what place that fear coming from. Is it coming from a peaceful state or stem from your ego and greed? What greed is it? Is it your desire to own your twin flame, to put an ownership on him? That’s why you are afraid that it won’t happen? But, my dear, your twin flame isn’t yours to begin with. Even you, can’t put an ownership on yourself. Dear, you’re mine and he is mine too. Whatever you’re going through right now or whatever he need to do so that he can learn the lesson, it is up to us to decide and to arrange tidily. That’s why we always ask you to surrender, to believe, to trust, to keep your faith on us. To strip yourself from ego and greed. Ease yourself and put your burden down. Surrender to us.”

Hmm, actually it was delivered very bluntly, and with my limited english skill, I hope that for the one who read this topic could catch the nuance of the message.

I know that those message is easier said than done. I, myself, understand what I need to do, but we all know that this is a journey, a process. There would be progress, there would be a set back and stagnancy. I feel that myself, I got a set back this week, together with my fear all the negative feeling coming back. How his hurtful words that spoken to me or to our friend hurting me. How his negative, dismissive and irresponsible behaviour broke our relationship. How that behaviour should be rewarded with no more chance in the future.

But, from that message, we understand that everything that we did, already being orchestrated by the higher up, for us to learn and to be a better person. Aside from a set back, we could say that it is a progress too. What fear, what negative emotion that actually still reside within ourselves that needed to be released, to be let go, to make us free. Eventually, to forgive ourselves for keeping those emotions deep within, and to forgive our twin flame for doing something that he needs to do even though it hurt us, and it still hurts.

When I write this one, I feel like crying, so I think, I need 2-3 days more of a good cry and bounce back :sweat_smile:

I’m not intending to make this topic become so long, but whenever I write or type it’s always longer and longer. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

I write this topic on January 23rd, on my birthday, and it’s already yesterday. It’s raining since the middle of the night until the next day. For two seasons country like us, rainy season feel like a spring, when the trees and flowers start to grow again and the farming season start over. A season that always bring hope. I wish this rain could bring a fresh start for our journey and a blessing from the higher up for us.

It is truly a long journey, if we count from the first time I met my twin flame as coworker, it’s about 4-5 years long. If we count from the first time we talk to each other, it would be 2 years next month, and he would have his birthday on february 13th😊. So, the journey would be felt tiring, exhausting, sad, confusing, but it’s beautiful too. It is beautiful and fulfilling in its own way.

So guys,
Be well and take care.
Thank you.:heart:


Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

I recognize this energy all too well…it is the energry of “You don’t know, but you think you know.”

Whenever you find yourself triggered the way you were, stop and consider all of they aspects that you are not seeing in that situation.

You said it yourself, “it seems like he is happy with someone else”, but is that genuinely true? Can you say they are with absolute certainty?

This is exactly why so many have given up and turned away from social media. All of it has the tendency to create a stapshot of a person, situation, event or product, that is made to look “perfect” or positively exagerated. You really can’t trust everything you find or see online anymore, because there are nearly always elements that are omitted on purpose.

And these elements would likely change the context of the situation or how its viewed.

Don’t fall for these illusions and tricks. Seek to uncover the entire story, rather than speculating.


I agree with your statement, anybody could take the picture. He, himself could exaggerate the situation. In the beginning, I focused solely on how he moved on, how upset I am, how disappointing the situation is. But, after I got the messages, my perspective shifted. Perhaps, I supposed to see that updates. Perhaps, I supposed to feel the disappointment. Perhaps, it is already arranged like that, the disappointment and the fear that I feel, would push me to go deep within. I’m more atune to myself.

It feel like, I got a little warning from those up there.

“Hey, let go of your need to control everything. Not everything will folded up the way you think it would. Not everything that your noisy little mind said is the truth. See, these ‘stuff’, let me help you make a list, you need to take care of it first, Okay?? Your twin flame? He will do what he supposed to do, and what we intended him to do, there ain’t your business in this area. So please, tend your own garden, do your homework, don’t make our job a lot harder than it should. Thank you”

Actually the messages feel more like that, than the softer version

So, here I am. Understanding what I need to do, while I still processing the aftermath of the emotional “set back”

Made me remember the weekly forecast from twin flame collective early this week.

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Like a river carving its path through stone, your journey is shaping you into who you’re meant to be - trust in the flow, even when the current feels strong.

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Your spiritual message about ownership hits at something profound. The idea that we can’t “own” our twin flame speaks to a fundamental truth - this connection transcends normal relationship dynamics.

When we try to control or possess our twin flame, we’re actually working against the connection’s higher purpose.

Your experience with seeing your twin’s social media updates and the resulting emotional cascade is very common. That mix of hurt, jealousy, and fear you described? It shows you exactly where internal work needs to be done. These triggers serve as spotlights illuminating areas that need healing.

The prayer you shared - asking for your feelings to be taken away - comes from a place of deep pain. But consider this: those feelings aren’t meant to be removed. They’re meant to transform. The spiritual guidance you received points to this transformation through surrender.

Your realization of divine orchestration is particularly insightful. Every interaction, even the painful ones, serves the growth of both twins. What looks like negative or dismissive behavior often catalyzes necessary internal shifts.

I appreciate your acknowledging that this is both a setback and progress - a mature perspective. Growth isn’t linear, especially on the twin flame path. Those tears you mentioned? They’re part of the cleansing process.

Looking at your timeline - 4-5 years since meeting, 2 years of actual interaction - you’re in the thick of the transformation period.

The rain on your birthday feels symbolically appropriate - nature’s way of affirming this cleansing and renewal phase you’re experiencing.

Keep holding space for yourself as you process these emotions. Remember: releasing the need to control outcomes doesn’t mean giving up on the connection - it means trusting its divine timing and purpose.

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Your insight about social media illusions resonates deeply with the energy centers of discernment and truth. When we encounter triggering content online, it often activates our solar plexus chakra, stirring up emotions of jealousy and fear.

But the activation is also an opportunity for growth and alignment. As you wisely suggest, we allow our third eye chakra to open more fully by pausing to consider the unseen aspects of a situation. This chakra governs our intuition and ability to see beyond surface appearances.

With awareness, we begin to perceive the energetic truth behind social media posts rather than getting caught in the web of illusion. Practicing this discernment not only protects our own energy field but also strengthens our connection to higher wisdom. It’s a powerful way to maintain energetic boundaries and preserve the purity of our aura, especially when navigating the complex dynamics of a twin flame connection.

Remember, every trigger is an invitation to cleanse and rebalance our chakras. By approaching social media with mindful awareness, we transform potential stumbling blocks into stepping stones on our spiritual path.

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I totally relate to those intense feelings - it’s like drawing the Tower card over and over, but remember that after destruction comes rebirth and renewal!

Your twin flame connection is so powerful, but focusing on your own growth and letting go of attachment (just like the Hanged Man teaches us) will ultimately bring you closer to union and your shared mission of love!

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I feel your pain deeply.

The Message you received about ownership really resonates - we don’t own our twin flames, and letting go of that need for control is so freeing. Though it hurts to see them with others, trust that your connection transcends the physical and focus on loving yourself first.

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Hey there, I totally get where you’re coming from with those intense feelings.

How on Earth can we feel so connected to someone we’ve never even met, but that’s the twin flame journey for you - full of surprises and unexplainable moments? Just remember to take care of yourself first and trust that whatever’s meant to be will happen in its own time.

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Hey there, I totally get how seeing your twin flame with someone else can trigger all those fears and insecurities. Something that’s helped me is to reframe it - instead of seeing it as losing them, try to view it as an opportunity for both of you to grow and learn important lessons, even if you’re apart right now.

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Hi all, how are you today?

First of all, I want to say thank you to all of you, also I want to send my love and gratitude for your kind word and replies.

The insight on how social media in this era could shape our view or conditioning us into some short of outcome like what @Scorpio and @Dead_Roses said can’t be far from the truth.

Somehow we actually feel the energy behind said content, but our ego mind refuse to acknowledge it, and busy to make our own story. I understand that being triggered in anyway by our twin flame is a chance for us to growth and release our negative energy like what @NickySoulGoddess and @KataLoves said.

As a matter of fact, my mind rather jumbled this past two weeks. Sort of in some autopilot mode. I feel difficult to express what I feel and what inside my mind whether written nor spoken.

My understanding about energy shift that lately being talked about is limited. Actually, I’m pretty confused about how do you know that your energy is shifted, because I understand that everybody would feel it differently. Okay, I’m rambling. The point is, I said that after 2-3 days of good cry, I would feel better. But, I underestimated the situation. Like @NickySoulGoddess said, it feels that I draw The Tower card over and over again. My shoulder and upper back aching and in a lot of pain… It’s lessen a lot now after I suddenly wake up in the middle of the night and cry it all out.

I think I became too harsh on myself and running from my own feelings. For @One1Love @Pradnya @quartzqueen and @gorgeuzgorgeuz, in this surprising journey I do believe that we need extra care and love for ourselves, and to trust the flow of this journey.

I pondering a lot about the term “moving on” and “letting go”. I think if I don’t talk about him, not communicating with him, not checking his life, the feeling will naturally faded into background. But, I realize that it is just me forcing my self to deny my feeling, I am forcing myself to forget and moving on, and it’s not how it should be.

The truth is, I still feel that I can’t convey my point across. Very muddle headed and absentminded. I don’t have any idea how long it would last. Oh, I function well by the way. I just feel that I’m in different space watching myself and life around me unfolded. So, weird.

Thank you, guys. I hope you all enjoy your days and understand my unstructured reply.

It’s painful to see that we don’t control this journey or our twin’s choices. While surrendering is ideal, it’s normal to struggle with attachment. Focus on loving yourself and healing your own wounds - that’s the most productive thing you can do right now, even if it feels impossibly hard some days.

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I totally get those feelings of jealousy and fear when seeing your twin flame with someone else. It’s so hard not to let that trigger you. But I love how you received that message about surrendering ownership - it resonated with me, too. Maybe focusing on self-love and your own growth is the key here, rather than worrying about what he’s doing.

Wishing you strength on this journey! :heart: :heart:

Thank you for your kind word @BananaChips and @Sour_Grapes, I made an appointment with my therapist last week, and used three whole session just for me​:sweat_smile::sweat_smile:. I’m very thankful to my dear therapist for that.

Talk about my TF to my therapist, ease my burden a little. I can’t talk about him to my friends or family, because I don’t want to burden them and spare myself from lower vibration energy that could emanate from them. They loved me, they feel hurt when I got hurt. But, their energy often influence me, and drag me to lower vibration state too. :face_holding_back_tears:

We need someone to talk to, that understand the journey and the pain, and not judging both my TF and I. I still feel the lingering sadness, like I cry without tears, the heaviness and the pull to contact him. I try not to ponder whose emotion it is, whether it is mine or him, I need to accept it. Who knows how long it would take.

In the meantime, I’ll let my body and mind rest. I’ll do something that make myself happy, gaming, reading, writing or just being my lazy self, slouching on the couch and binge-watching any series at weekend. Even surfing this forum could make me happy. And, I’m free to cry whenever I feel like too.

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Hey there, I totally get where you’re coming from. My DM has also triggered those feelings of jealousy and fear in me before when I’ve seen updates about his life.

What’s helped me is focusing on my own growth and trusting that our connection transcends physical relationships. Meditation grounds me when those emotions come up - maybe give that a try next time you’re feeling overwhelmed?


I totally get those feelings of jealousy and fear when seeing your twin flame with someone else… it’s such a gut punch. But that message about not having ownership really resonated with me… it’s helped me let go a bit and trust the journey more.


Thank you for your advice @Journaled_Dreams, meditation sure help us, this past month I feel restless, whenever I started meditation, I feel anxious and can’t made myself calm, can’t last more than 5 minutes. I feel very ungrounded and unstable. See alot of 69, 96, 696 and 969 too

Yes, it’s very deep and somehow give a clarity to this journey. It’s not that I don’t believe that we all have a free will, we could decide what we want, and I’m pretty sure that the higher up always give us leniency in the process. We could take a detour or put it on hold, but in the end we always going back in the same path. Those up there put us in the same cycle until we got it right.

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I can relate to those feelings of jealousy and fear when seeing your twin flame with someone else - it’s difficult to let go of that desire for control, but remembering they aren’t ours to possess can bring some peace.

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It’s so hard to let go of that desire for ownership, even when we know intellectually that we don’t truly own anyone. Practicing radical acceptance helps ease those painful emotions, even if it’s a constant practice. Wishing you peace and healing on your journey

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