Oh my gosh, I just discovered something and wanted to share with you guys! I was messing around with our birth charts and looked up our moon phases. My DM was a waning gibbous, while mine was a waxing crescent – together they form a perfect full moon! TELL ME THAT IS NOT THE BIGGEST SYNC EVER.
I know we just had a thread on birth charts, and there are other reasons, but this little “coincidence” is just too good not to share it got me thinking about moon phases in general. Not just our birth chart, but does the moon phase as the month go on change anything with the energy in your journey?
I always seem to reach out when the moon phase changes. Something draws me to work on myself for a while, and then, as it waxes or wanes, I feel a shift, and I want to keep in touch.
Amazing sync! I’ve noticed similar patterns with the moon phases in my own journey - during full moons, I feel so much more connected to my twin, like our energies are perfectly aligned.
We seem to communicate in the 3D much easier when it is waxing too.
People will be tuned into different things. Some will feel the energy of spirit in a storm or a sunny day. For others looking up at a night sky to see a clear moon or the stars will remind them of how small we are in the grand scheme of all of this.
Some people are more in tune with this kind of thing than others, and I suspect any twin flame (whether awakened or not, runner or chaser) is at least somewhat open to changing lunar energy as the moon phase changes.
Journaling might help track the moon phase as communication is better or maybe they retreat more in a different stage.
Haha, sounds like you two are destined to be each other’s personal lunar eclipse - just don’t let it go to your heads or you might end up orbiting around your own egos instead of each other! ??
Wow, talk about cosmic connections! (^o^) My twin flame and I have such a wild story - we were born just days apart in the same hospital but didn't meet until we were 20! And get this - we both ended up back in our birth town years later.
The craziest part? I’m from this teeny-tiny mountain village, and it turns out that’s where he was conceived! When I looked up our moon phases, they also matched to make a full moon.
The moon phase synchronicity you’ve discovered sounds quite special to me. For twins, these celestial patterns often reflect the natural complementary energies between the pair, though each journey unfolds uniquely.
These kinds of chart alignments can feel deeply validating, but just remember they’re just one small part of the much larger journey.
There might be other syncs like you both see the moon one night at the same time or you both take moment to enjoy it at separate times in the same night no matter where you are.
My grandma used to tell me each waxing and waning was like turning a page in the great book of the universe. Perhaps our connections are like seeds planted in the soil of time, waiting for the right celestial alignment to sprout and intertwine our paths in the physical world.
That’s such an interesting observation about the percentages! The exact same percentage with a false twin but mirroring percentages with your true twin really highlights how these connections can work differently
I’ve noticed false twins often seem to match too perfectly - like carbon copies - while true twins tend to complement and balance each other out more naturally It’s like the universe has a way of showing us these subtle differences if we pay attention