Movies About Twin Flames

Same! :sweat_smile: though he loves Eternal Sunshine…but he’s still not evolved yet. :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

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I’m not the only one!

I’m glad to know I’m not either! Thanks for adding link :slight_smile:

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“Still Breathing” from 1997 is a good 'un - the shared dreams, visions, even the cord connecting the flames are in there.


One of my favorites!!

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Oh fantastic call. A classic and some real twin flame vibes. :heart:


Not movie, but a book by Thea Alexander "2150 A.D." (1971). Highly recommend for Twin Flames.


Forrest Gump

My all time favourite movie.


I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is.

And that’s honestly all you ever need to know!


Rise of Skywalker

Rey and Ben’s Force Dyad = twin flame connection


I’m not really one for rom-coms, but I wanted a Christmas movie with some twin flame themes and… here we are.


OXV: The Manual / Frequencies (2013)

In an alternate reality, children learn how lucky they will be (their `frequency’), knowledge which shapes their destiny. The unluckiest boy must parse the mysteries of free will in order to pursue his forbidden love of the luckiest girl.

The film takes place in a world where human worth and emotional connections are determined by set “frequencies”. (Wiki)

OXV: The Manual (2013) | Trailer — YouTube


By stange coincidence, I just saw this movie for the first time this weekend past (it’s available on Prime for anyone looking).

It’s a good movie, and I like that we didn’t just wind up with a list of romcoms here.

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Thanks to you listing this here, I watched this last night. VERY interesting concepts explored in here and the final scenes resonated powerfully with me. A bit of a strange film and format but worthy of watching.

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Glad you like it!

Recently I finished watching the Manifest TV series, and decided to share it here.

The series is completely filmed, 4 seasons in total, and beside the main spiritual idea (which is absolutely great), the Twin Flames theme is perfectly showcased here too. The way they met, then get separated, only to meet again when they’re ready. No more spoilers, highly recommend watching the whole series!

This series really softened my heart, and gave me some answers and encouragement during a tough time with all this TF stuff.

Manifest - Netflix & NBC Series - Season 1 Trailer

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Jeux D’Enfants (Love Me If You Dare) is definitely one of my top picks for Twin Flame movies. Also:

The Notebook
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Lala Land


Not really a movie but some hour-long series (it would be called a “movie” in 2007 anyway) nor it is between two people

Kara no Kyoukai is about a woman named Shiki whose her clan, Ryougi’s thing is nurturing two souls in one body: feminine and masculine

After a failed suicide attempt, Shiki lost her masculine soul and copes hard, but eventually becomes a vessel for the Akashic Records