Movies About Twin Flames

I don’t think any movies specifically mention ‘twin flames’ by name but what movies make you think of the journey or remind you of your path?

My picks:


Your Name (Kimi no Na wa)

It’s a Wonderful Life
(We’re a few months early but… yeah.)

I am really enjoying the twin flame songs thread so I thought we could mix it up with movies too. :heart_eyes:


A Star is Born is more than just a love story. There are so many syncs to my own journey with my DM as well.


I know this is an obvious one…


I love this movie.

My contribution:

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I can’t wait to watch that this year. Hopefully with my DM…


Amélie’s goes through a journey of self-discovery and healing, sparked by her connection with Nino. How is this now the first one on the list?

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Going to need to arrange a Twin Flame Forum movie night for some of these :popcorn: ~~~


Pass the popcorn!!!

Unpopular opinion alert!! I did not like The Notebook as a ROMCOM but I thin kit is the PERFECT TF movie??

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I saw this short film recently… it blows things out of proportion to prove a point but they did a pretty good job.

That’s… a great point. I can’t remember how that movie ends I saw it so many years ago but the premise is spot on.

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Somewhere there is a twin flame couple who have watched all of these together :heart:

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I’ve seen some of these with my DM but (to be fair) I think he was thinking stupid ROMCOM not ‘twin flame movie’ at the time. :laughing:

Thinking about it, I don’t think I knew the term either.

Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

Thanks to this thread I watched Your Name today… it might be a new favorite movie. The way the characters are drawn together despite obstacles reminds me so much of my own journey.

I’ll add “The Time Traveler’s Wife” to the list - nothing says twin flame connection like literally being pulled through time to be with your person!

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I’ve found that watching these movies with an open heart can actually help align and balance our chakras, especially the heart chakra.

For me, Eternal Sunshine resonated deeply with my own path.

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For fans of old classics, Somewhere in Time is a story of a love that goes beyond time barriers. Sound familiar?

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Just Like Heaven

One of my favorite movies and it really makes me think about twin flame telepathy in separation.

She’s technically a ghost but he’s in his house and she just pops up and starts talking to him. So he’s going about his day to day life and then her voice is in his ear.

Sound familiar?


Hi I’m pretty new to this, but this show (a series, not movie) really struck me: on PBS, Alice & Jack.


To name a few off the top of my head, and since I’ve been on this journey since I was a kid, The Butcher’s Wife with Demi Moore–80s movie, Practical Magic, Serendipity…all some of my favorites.

Also, Love in the Time of Cholera but I’ve not watched it yet.


I have to watch that one still. My son bought it for me, but i still haven’t seen it.

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