Movies About Twin Flames

I don’t think any movies specifically mention ‘twin flames’ by name but what movies make you think of the journey or remind you of your path?

My picks:


Your Name (Kimi no Na wa)

It’s a Wonderful Life
(We’re a few months early but… yeah.)

I am really enjoying the twin flame songs thread so I thought we could mix it up with movies too. :heart_eyes:


A Star is Born is more than just a love story. There are so many syncs to my own journey with my DM as well.


I know this is an obvious one…


I love this movie.

My contribution:

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I can’t wait to watch that this year. Hopefully with my DM…


Amélie’s goes through a journey of self-discovery and healing, sparked by her connection with Nino. How is this now the first one on the list?

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Going to need to arrange a Twin Flame Forum movie night for some of these :popcorn: ~~~

Pass the popcorn!!!

Unpopular opinion alert!! I did not like The Notebook as a ROMCOM but I thin kit is the PERFECT TF movie??

I saw this short film recently… it blows things out of proportion to prove a point but they did a pretty good job.

That’s… a great point. I can’t remember how that movie ends I saw it so many years ago but the premise is spot on.

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Somewhere there is a twin flame couple who have watched all of these together :heart:

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I’ve seen some of these with my DM but (to be fair) I think he was thinking stupid ROMCOM not ‘twin flame movie’ at the time. :laughing:

Thinking about it, I don’t think I knew the term either.

Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

Thanks to this thread I watched Your Name today… it might be a new favorite movie. The way the characters are drawn together despite obstacles reminds me so much of my own journey.

I’ll add “The Time Traveler’s Wife” to the list - nothing says twin flame connection like literally being pulled through time to be with your person!