My Strange, Complicated, Twin Flame Story

Felt it’s a good time to tell the story. Help process everything that’s happened at a difficult time. Lots of personal stuff here that requires a TRIGGER WARNING. Stuff about Abuse (crucial to my healing in this journey) and mentions of suicide.

And this will be VERY LONG and probably filled with too many unecessary details. A regular book. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: But getting it ALL out I think is necessary, finally. But there’s still time for you to escape, lol!


I grew up with a Narcissistic Dad, and a timid mom who (this is important for later) eventually divorced him to be with a prior love. Unfortunately, that man refused to leave his wife (in separation), which caused my mom to spiral and she took her life when I was 19 (Miss ya, mom :rose:). I blamed myself for not doing more, or being there enough.

I became lost and pregnant (still only 19) a couple month later by my abusive boyfriend (we’ll just call him The Gun Nut). My son ended up saving me, however. As those early months at home with him refocused my life, and led me back to drawing (I quit in HS due to peer pressure). I got a lead a year later on my first art job to go meet the publisher at a convention. That is where I first heard my TF’s name.

That convention trip was fateful. I met “R”, my future husband, there and took him to the publisher so he could get the art job too. There he mentioned “B” (my TF) , a friend of his, as another artist for the job.

I soon moved to another state to be with “R”, where he introduced me to “B”, and the weirdest sensation happened. First, it felt like the clouds parted when our eyes met, and I saw him “clearer” than the others. Then I thought “UH-OH” :joy: Because he was soooo handsome! But he was taken. And so was I. And that was that

Unfortunately, my soon-to-be husband began showing his abusive side soon after, which escalated to pushing, dragging, choking…I didn’t know what to do. I had literally no one, and I didn’t know any other treatment. So I stayed.

Meanwhile, “B” started to come over daily, and we’d all hang out. That became my Oasis in the hell I was living through. Being around him felt like “being home” and “R” was always nice to me around him. I quickly stuffed any attraction, as he was engaged, and as far as I knew, never looked at me that way anyway. But every time he left, it felt like something was taken away. Missing

I was later a bridesmaid at “B’s” wedding, and bawled like an idiot in the bathroom so I could smile and wish them well after (which I truly did wish them happiness).

At home, the abuse worsened, but my response was to dig in harder to build a family and became pregnant (I see now, this was Running from facing my situation). It felt like “R” and I were “playing” family, and nothing was genuine. But when he proposed I said yes, because, well, I just didnt know there was anything better for me. I didn’t know that real love did not feel like fear.

We moved away from “B” across the country and for 13 years there was minimal contact, thought “R” stayed in touch with him. In that time “B” ended up divorcing, and then remarried. He chose to remain childless, and his career as an artist flourished (so proud of him still!)

I, on the other hand, was slowly buried alive. My now husband “R”, who at first seemed a very professional, and responsible, ended up being the complete opposite. Please allow me to vent a little here, as I haven’t been able to with anyone. Skip if easily triggered I took on more and more responsibility to compensate. He lied about doing taxes for years, so I took them over. He lied about paying the bills, so I took over. He couldn’t adhere to a schedule so I worked 3 times faster to make enough money. We were so broke, that I was working while in labor, and the day I returned from the Hospital with kids 2 and 3 (and later 4. Yes 4, lol…two I believe were divinely timed, see my other thread) but I felt so uncomfortable with his temper around the kids, I took on most the kids responsibilities while also building my own career. He was a hoarder, so I was responsible for the entire house. All the meals. He lied for years about a porn addiction, which got so bad, he told me he once watched it by driving. :scream:And on top of it all, the unending verbal, emotional, and physical abuse which escalated to threatening my life, and finally, beating me up once. He was also verbally cruel on a daily basis “Hurry and kill yourself like your mother” and the like. He messed with my mind so much I began doubting my own reality (IMPORTANT later), so bad I didn’t know if I was abused or not!

By 2019 I was completely broken. Exhausted. Burnt Out. A shell of the excited, hopeful, driven person I used to be.

Somewhere in all that time, I heard “B” divorced his second wife. My brain felt a little somersault of hope, but quickly buried it. He’d never want ….this thing I’d become.

In 2021 I’d had enough and we agreed we’d divorce (which later I found out he “didn’t mean it…?) But that’s as far as it went. We were still broke and I couldn’t leave, and was too scared to call for help. He refused to work at times, and I couldn’t do enough work to take care of the kids, bills, shopping, house, at the same time. I felt I was failing everywhere. Trapped. Wanting to die. I’d reached Rock Bottom But then something happened.

I found a tiny spark of “light” inside. I don’t know how else to explain it, but in that moment, I realized I was “good”. I was “worth it” :smiling_face_with_tear:. I FELT my true self again. I decided if I couldn’t escape, I would divorce “R” in my soul, and physically, as much as possible. As I did so, I felt free for the first time.

Also importantly, I also got a feeling there was “someone” out there for me. I felt like that my entire life, in a lowkey way. I said out loud “If you’re really out there, please hurry. I need you now”.


By the time 2023 rolled around, I was completely removed from my husband as much as I could be in house. I learned to placate him to keep his anger away from me and the kids. It was a fragile peace, but it was peace. I Began working on myself, healing a great deal. I got a great art job to focus on. I started to feel like “myself” for the first time. My confidence was rising. Then I had the crazy idea to start a podcast about art with “R”, the only thing we got along talking about. I wanted to practice coming out of my shell to prepare me for leaving, to help me heal that self worth.

My “husband” then suggested “B” coming on the podcast as well. I felt the strangest hope, but squashed it yet again. He was single now, but he’d think I was still “with” his good friend….I had 4 kids, when he didn’t want any. My body was all “used up” and ugly after 4 kids, when he was with young and beautiful women. I saw no reason he’d want me. So instead I focused on relaxing and enjoying his company as a friend once more. This was my starting point mentality in my TF journey.

“B” was just as wonderful and handsome as before. We instantly clicked and began talking like no time had passed at all, and the “home” feeling returned after 13 years. The podcasts were fun and awesome, the three of us getting along so well. Every week I looked forward to seeing him again. One podcast I thought I caught a “look” from him. I rewatched it to be sure. But it wasn’t his usual aloof look. It felt…tender. I thought to myself “ he couldn’t see me in “that” way…. Could he?”

And then it happened. I let myself imagine he actually did, and in that second it felt like a puzzle piece clicked into place, and everything I was and experienced folded together perfectly into one complete piece. Then a massive shock of energy filled my body (I learned later this was a Kundalini awakening). I felt every part of me tingling and alive with energy. The sense of “completeness” overwhelmed me, and I suddenly felt his “energy” meet mine in perfect union for the first time, and it felt like Home :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: The beginning of the “bubble” phase.

I hopped up “what the heck is happening to me??” And walked around, but the feeling didn’t wear off for an hour or more. And in that time I also saw revelations into a Universe and possibilities I never thought possible….and was introduced to Source energy…that “God” was real, just different than humans portrayed it. I knew I was forever changed And I also knew…as crazy as it seemed, that I was in love with. “B”… a REAL love I didn’t think possible, and I always had been.


After several weeks of podcasts, “B” and I began to chat more and more. I felt that same overwhelming sense of destiny, that “this was finally it”. He was even opening up to me more than he ever had. I felt energy that he also “knew”, as least in some way. The sense of “sureness” increased.

Meanwhile, I became terrified “R” would notice the change in me, as I make it a habit to be truthful, I am a terrible liar. I knew I was acting differently and prayed he wouldn’t realize why. Not only would he put a stop to the podcasts, the only way I got to see “B”, but I truly felt “R” would literally kill me to know I was in love with his friend.

Eventually, I decided to confess my feelings to “B”. In life, I abhor living in limbo if my intuition was certain something was “true” or “right”. So I’d leap in and do anything to follow that intuition. So I got him on a video call and said “I think I’m in love with you, and I wondered if you felt the same”.

His response was “Oh!….No.” with a little chuckle

I was crushed. Beyond humiliated. How could my intuition, which always steered me right, be so horribly wrong on something that felt undeniably true. I realized later towards the end of the conversation, he said something like “I don’t know…maybe…” but I was too embarrassed to really hear it.

I also began to wonder if I might be insane. Did all the trauma make me somehow create all the unfathomable in my head?

Afterwards, we kept talking daily. Sometimes very closely. The synchronicities were insane. Numbers all up in my face. Dreams, crazy strong energy. I started to feel crazier, but the feeling of “sureness” never left me. And the love I felt never waivered, only grew.


Even though no one knows who I am, I am very embarrassed to tell this part. But it’s important to tell.

Feeling the closeness, I decided to trust “B” and broach the subject of “R” and how we weren’t “together” for quite some time, and insinuated there was something bad going on that caused it. I was worried he’d see me as a cheater on his friend, which I am VERY LOYAL. And despite all “R” had done to me, I had no intention of even looking at another man for years until after I left. But of course, the TF journey gives you no choice but to love.

At first he asked questions. So I opened up more. Once it became clear I was talking about abuse, he suddenly became flat in response. I thought he didn’t understand, and started explaining MORE, which brought the same reactions. The songs he posted (which undeniably went along with the energy between us) went from romantic, to suddenly judgmental. Insinuating ideas that he didn’t want to be burdened with the info, that he wanted a “relaxed and carefree life”, that I was playing victim, or wanting attention. That I was “too nice” for him or behaving naively. He also seemed to get even closer with “R”. Their friendship flourishing.

Needless to say, I was absolutely destroyed by all of this. This was my first HARD trigger. As I had tried to tell my father once, who also said “I don’t want that kind of drama in my life” and my sister who stopped talking to me afterwards, and instead went to “R” to offer all her support, and trash talk about me. So having my TF (at this point we’re several months in, and had finally come across the term) behave in ALL of those ways destroyed me.

My triggered mind said: Not even my TF cares if I’m hurt. I’m just a burden to him. He’s okay if I’m abused as long as he doesn’t have to hear it. If my TF feels this way about me… maybe “R” was right all along and I deserved it.

My injured self reared up. The sad little mistreated and ignored girl was screaming for help. It was awful. :cry:

I will say, I probably overwhelmed my TF completely by trying to talk to him about serious things, and triggered him to run. It IS a heavy topic, but I was so used to it, it was like taking about the weather. Also the sharing was (w/o realizing) me desperately needing validation that I was, in fact, being abused. That validation would’ve given me so much more strength to face my situation, and get out. Later I realized I needed to stop expecting him me validation, and instead grow my self trust. But it still hurt that he didn’t care….

I also kept him in the loop of my status with “R” as things developed. I wanted him to see how hard I was trying, and understand why I couldn’t just up and leave easily, and how badly I wish I could. I also, thinking “B” was mad at me for hurting “R”, took time to let him know I still cared about the wellbeing of his friend “R”. All of this seemed to make him run harder

So as he pulled away, I chased. Messaging too much, being maybe “too” present. Posting tons of songs of my own. But every time I’d “give up” and go away, he’d reach out, again following the energy precisely. I always felt he’d message before he actually did. We’d have a lovely reconnect. The love energy ebbed and flowed like a tide.

Then, I began to hear from “R” that “B” had a girlfriend and they were getting serious. “B” had told me he had been seeing someone casually, but it wasn’t serious. I was devastated. I just couldn’t understand why he’d turn away from me when so many things told me he felt this thing between us too.

I turned inward, blaming myself for not being good enough. That I was too ugly for him. I started feeling cracks in the newfound confidence I spent over a year building.

Then, about 5 months after that first podcast, something horrible happened.


One night, on my birthday, we had a podcast. Afterwards I fell asleep at my computer, and “R” went through my messages and found out I had feelings for “B”. IT. WAS. TERRIFYING

He was so angry. And shocked. And hurt. I was a pile of apologies. I told him that nothing was going on, and most importantly, that “B” didn’t feel anything for me, and had done nothing inappropriate. I was SO SCARED he’d turn his anger on “B”.
I told him about Twin Flames. How the connection to “B” was an unbreakable one that isn’t just feeble romance. But like he’s the other half of me. I also explained how the focus was my own healing,

“R” called me delusional, crazy, and needed help. He walked back and forth panicked saying he didn’t know what to do, but he wanted to warn “B” I felt this way. I begged him to leave “B” out of it, and there was nothing to warn him about. I was only talking casually with “B” and focused on healing. But he behaved like I was a loon who built a shrine out of “B’s” hair or something :roll_eyes:

Later “R” had a chat with “B” about it to clear the air. I was nervous about this. “R” is a self admitted pathological liar, who boasts he can “convince anyone of anything”. And I knew too well the “story” he created about me painted me as a villain, while diminished anything he’s done to me. I don’t know what was said, but I did catch part of the conversation passing by. “R” was telling “B” ways it can be hard to live with me, and shared some private stuff about sexual related things I was REALLY comfortable with. Knowing “R” very well, I realized he was trying to make me look very undesirable.

Afterwards, “R” told me “B” said he would never come near me, whether “R” was in the picture or not. He also denied feeling a connection. This…. Cracked anything good I had been building wide open. “R” told me “B” was very happy with his Girlfriend, and guessed I probably made him feel very uncomfortable all the time with my declarations. He also said I was behaving vain and posing for “B” on the podcasts, which made me MORE embarrassed. (In reality it wasn’t about him, I just loved dressing up again after 10 years for something, was extremely self conscious, and trying hard to see myself as “not ugly”).

It all completely collapsed on me. Due to “R’s” abuse, I easily believed I was actually, 100% crazy and made it all up in my head. And was beyond, omg BEYOND humiliated by how I looked to “B” now. I was heartbroken worse than I ever felt. I was scared that my brain could create something so undeniably real, and didn’t know what to do. “R” came at me with kindness and understanding, saying he’d help me.

Thus began my first DNOTS.

I spent the next couple weeks avoiding “B”, thinking he wouldn’t want to talk to me anyway. I focused on trying to get my head on straight….but the energy never went away. I felt it change to how it feels before we reconnect. And sure enough, we did start talking again. I began meditating, which helped me connect to Source and clear my chakras for the first time. This is what made me believe it was all true again. There’s just NO WAY my brain could make that up!

The podcasts resumed, “R” saying he was okay with it, though I could tell he was very hurt. I felt like a monster. Everything between “B” and I slowly returned to normal, remaining as a “purely friendly” state.

But inside I was broken, and this continued for three months. I saw myself from the outside for the first time and hated what I saw….SO MANY behaviors, big and small, I didn’t realize were toxic, even manipulative. My self confidence was in the toilet. I felt unable to get back up from under the weight of all my horribleness. “R” was also behaving in ways that made me feel extremely guilty for causing him pain, which didn’t help my feelings about myself. I also began to feel…erm…”peculiar” sensations from my Twin. Sexual in nature. Not too intense, but I realized it was him being intimate with his GF :cry: Then “R” began getting angry and abusive, but in a low key way. This was very hard as I had everything “peaceful” for so long by placating him. Now he was a threat again.

But the 5D energy from my TF, the fact he still wanted to talk to me, Source energy, and meditation brought me around again. I began to learn to heal my inner child. Traumas that weighted my soul like Marley’s Chains fell away, and I began to feel the energy stronger than ever before. I became more confident and certain in the realness of my experience. I also began to surrender that my TF just didn’t want to be with me, and started focusing on myself instead.

I entered 2024 ready to finally move my life into the right direction. At least…so I thought.

(WILL FINISH LATER!) Thanks for reading! :heart:




Aaaaand, I’m back! The next mostly talks in depth about very personal things that don’t involve my twin very much, which I haven’t really said out loud, much less typed out before. So thanks again for the space to say it.

But my twin’s actions here (or lack of) really influenced my surrendering. Sorry for any typos, I didn’t have a chance to edit yet I’ll be back later to do that


Beginning of 2024, 6 months after awakening to the journey, having freshly crawled my way out of the DNotS toilet, I was ready to focus on myself and fix my life. My TF was busy with his GF, but we were talking still, which was really nice. But the longer he was with her, feeling their intimate energy, the harder it was to just be his friend, and I began to let him go in my heart, a process that came to a head by August, but I’ll get to that.

I knew I had to leave my husband, and that it could NOT be for my TF. Not only because it was unlikely runners would do the work to physically unite, but because my mother left my narcissist father to be with another man from her past, which ended with him staying with his separated wife. My mother began a downward spiral, trying to return to my father out of fear of being alone, and ultimately killed herself.

My mother was 42 when she left, and 43 when she took her life. I was about to turn 42. I was in love with a man from my past and I was trying to divorce and start my own life….just like she did. I didn’t realize how terrified I was I’d end up like my mother. While I was prone to suicidal thoughts, I was certain I’d never follow through and do that to my kids, having lived through it.

However… the TF journey changed all that. The DNotS opened up a NEW rock bottom. And when you’re there… well…everything you thought you knew about yourself unravels. I admit during it I wanted HARD to “unexist”. On top of that, the TF journey, and my twin never validating any of it was true, made me fear for my sanity WORSE than I already did due to 23 years of abuse trauma. What if I left my “husband” and ended up falling apart like my mother did? What if I did the unthinkable in a moment of extreme darkness, dying alone in an apartment building like my mom, not being discovered for a week?

The TF journey turned my long running fear of ending up like my mother into something more visceral and terrifying. This became a major hurdle I’ve been facing all last year.

Aside from that, I had a few other hurdles to getting the final divorce:

  1. MONEY. Money, money, money. My “husband” had a pattern where he’d work well for a month or two, then just….not. When that happened, I had to work triple time to keep up from being homeless. But I also had to keep doing all my other responsibilities. House. Bills. My own work. And the kids…. my “husband” had to take over with them so I can work, but his temper meant I was constantly on the lookout for him getting angry with them (we both worked at home so I was always listening….) this made it harder for me to work, and IMPOSSIBLE to make enough money on my own. I literally had too much to do. How the $&#* could I “save” anything? Much less enough to begin a new life? :cry: I’d already tried for years…

  2. FEAR. I did a sober assessment of how much a threat my “husband” was. Once he realized I told my twin about the abuse, he became far less threatening. But when I asked myself “what is the percentage likelihood he’d kill me if I tried to leave”? And the answer was…not 0. What a frightening realization that was. On top of that, he was love bombing, showing his best side, which ignited my crippling empathy to make me feel like a monster for taking away the family of a man being kind to me. The ONLY person being kind to me. I knew I had to get him away for awhile so I could think clearly.

Somehow, I managed to get him to agree to leave for 1 month so I can “think”. He seemed very supportive of this until the moment came to leave. I mean yeah, anyone would be stressed, but there was an aggression that made me VERY happy to close the door behind him.

I cannot tell you guys… how WONDERFUL the next couple weeks felt. I even had to deal with 4 kids and a long power outage during winter, and I was STILL HAPPY. It was like the clouds parted and sunshine hit my face for the first time. My twin was also being supportive and seemed genuinely happy for me :smiling_face: On top of that, our tax return was enough to finally get him to his own place. It was only a piece of paper that said we were married now…so it was time to make certain he understood it was time to file

I told him over video call, which felt warranted given I was too terrified to do it in person. He was devastated, of course. But then then the guilt tripping began. He opted to stay with his sister who I did NOT know had him staying in a freezing shed (versus a couple other options he had, where he could’ve had his own room…) Now all I could see was his misery, that he was staying in that horrible place “for me”. Crippling empathy time again. I told my twin about the divorce (he seemed maybe happy?) but that I felt bad he was staying in a shed (who was his good friend). After that, my twin wasn’t around as much suddenly :cry: I’d hear about/feel him with his GF more. He offered no real support, but I found out later from “R” (husband) that “B” (twin) was EXTREMELY supportive of him.

I was so hurt by this. I needed support badly. I had no one. Why wasn’t it offered to me too, when it seemed we were maybe getting closer again? Why was he suddenly all about his GF even more?

My heart broke all over again, but I remained focused on what I had to do. But when “R” returned, he was ALL OVER ME. Like, rushed off the train, grabbed me and kissed me. I did not want it. But I was so shocked and he was so happy, I was afraid to push him away. I became aware that he STILL wasn’t giving up, and this scared me so much… you cannot know. I wanted it done and dusted. And he was behaving like I never asked told him about the divorce. This started the downfall of my plans.


This put me in a position to have to REMIND HIM IN PERSON of the divorce, and that I was serious. This was scary. But instead of anger, he did the other thing he does…behave like a victim. He completely stopped working while on his trip (we agreed he would). And he stopped working for the next two months because “it was just so hard”. This depleted the money I had hoped to use to get him out. And I was BACK to barely surviving. By then I was BURNT. OUT. But I pulled all my energy left to work triple time to keep us from homelessness. I began to lose all hope. I was so mad at myself for being so weak all those years, and letting my life and my kids lives become one of poverty. My own career, which I had an amazing job that would save me if I had time to work on it, began to tank again due to all my other responsibilities. I was TRAPPED.

Meanwhile, I felt judged by my twin as the months went by for not leaving. This could have been a mirror of my own judgment of myself for it. But my twin, who had no kids and could focus on his career, had his matrix life together, and was very well off. Sometimes a song, or a vibe would come through that sent the message that “he was with his GF because he has needs and he didn’t know I’d take so long”. Sometimes I’d get a vibe that he felt I was just sitting around, too afraid to do anything. Or choosing not to leave. I tried to get across what I was facing, but it seemed to make him care even less for me. I felt, and STILL feel, completely misunderstood and misjudged by him. If he had ANY idea what this hell was like…or how hard I was trying…

I began to resent him (I worked through most of that though, it was mostly my own aggravation at my situation) While he was living his life normally, building a relationship with someone else, acting like I was nothing ot him, I’d been working my @$$ off since I awakened to the journey. Trying to heal decades of trauma, trying to fix my life by facing, situations that made me fear for my life, taking care of more responsibilities than he probably ever has, researching nonstop about the TF journey to survive it, dealing with severe heartbreak and DNotS, working through the hurt he caused, understanding him, forgiving him, giving him space, all while feeling him be intimate with his GF…. That By August, his birthday rolled around, when he mentioned his GF was going to be with him that day…. I just had enough. My heart couldn’t take it anymore. He hadn’t budged in over a year. It felt like he was “waiting” for ME to get away from my situation before he took the teensiest steps on his own

Understandable on one hand. But on the other, he knew this was not a typical situation. He knew I was only “married” on paper, and that I was STUCK, not trying to stay. I felt he knew about the connection and how special it was. So at the very least, I hoped he would be there for me, be supportive. Build trust between us. Get to know eachother better than just the shallow surface he kept our conversations at. But there was just….nothing.

So I just disappeared. I don’t know if he even noticed. He didn’t seem to care if I was around anyway. He never checked up, asked how I was. I kept hearing from “R” how supportive “B” was. His complete lack of care made it much easier to tune out the “intimate energy” I felt increasing daily from him. I had surrendered completely. I was heartbroken, yes, but at this point I’d healed so much, I found peace and forgiveness.I knew that focusing on myself and continuing to try and leave was my best bet.

I made a plan for my own work to get it back on track. I could only “survive” financially until tax season again, as the Holidays and Birthday Season (3 kids in Jan/Feb!) would also leave me strapped. I missed my twin dearly. DEARLY. But overall I felt optimistic. If he didn’t want me. So be it. I’d keep going on my own.

Bu then… the Universe had something MAJOR left in store for me….:scream:




Well, I’ve already made a thread about this, but that was mostly for airing of grievances to help me figure out what needed to be done. So I’ll go over some of that. So people don’t need to slog through that long, rambling thread :laughing:

So, August 2024. I had surrendered in peace. My heart couldn’t take talking to my TF anymore while he behaved like I was and acquaintance and carried on with his GF. I was tired of pretending none of it was real with him, and I saw no reason he’d care if I was around or not anyway.

But then, one night a couple weeks after no contact, I was meditating and felt his energy “grab” me and, well… have his way with me. It was …. BEYOND incredible. Words are too e to explain. At first I doubted it was with “me” and not his GF, but we began to engage in this way almost every single night. And whereas at first it was a little clumsy figuring out how to channel the energy, and open my mind properly, it slowly grew over months to become DAMN. REAL. And I’m sorry to be so blunt, but the “O’s” and the pleasure was beyond ANYTHING I thought possible in this universe.

Wonderful things came from this. It helps me unlock a deep, hidden sexuality inside me that I had denied for so long because I never felt safe with a partner. While my TF continued behaving like I was nothing in 3D, in 5D, I felt my TF’s TRUE self. I felt his love, felt cared for and held. I could “let go” and allow him to “love me”. It renewed my sense of faith in the entire TF journey, AND in him! Union energy began to appear each time once I figured out how to better balance our energies.

Every single night became hours of the greatest pleasure I’d ever experienced. I never wanted it to end.

But… I found out the GF was still around. I was SO confused and hurt by this. What I was experiencing was more real and more intimate and fulfilling than anything in “real life”. I couldn’t even imagine being with another person after this. Nothing could even compare! But here he was…and I could feel it…STILL being intimate with her too.

This began a much DEEPER layer of triggers and healing, as I felt betrayed now at an intimate level, MORE intimate than physical reality. I felt betrayed in my SOUL. This dredged up DEEP traumas I never looked closely at, because I buried it all so well. I also was NOT prepared to suddenly be so intimately vulnerable to him, as it came on suddenly. Soul Shock to the extreme.

I was torn apart by the contradicting sides, trying to figure out what was “right” for me to do here. There was no real info on a situation like mine. No “rules”. On the one hand, I would NEVER be intimate with someone dating another person. But at the same time, he’d made no 3D commitment to me. It was all “Astral”. So began months of back and forth, where I’d ask him if he was still with his GF and get NO answer. When I’d pull away energetically to wait for more information, he’d “come” for me energetically each night. I discovered he is FAR stronger in sexual energy than I , and normally, there is no way to deny him. I cannot….tell you…. how sexy I think this is when he does that. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: As someone who has to carry all responsibilities in life, he fulfilled that part of me that wanted someone else to be in control for once. BUT… in the end, his GF would always come back around (they live long distance, so it was like every week) and I realized ** that by building a stronger telepathic link, I also became way more susceptible to feeling his sexual energy with others.** It was no longer a mere “awareness”, I could feel what they were doing, how much pleasure he felt. How “happy” he was :cry:

My love-filled, sexual utopia became more and more a nightmare each week. When we were together, it was wonderful. But the closeness I felt to him now having been intimate, made it WAY MORE PAINFUL when he was with her. I couldn’t bear it. But I couldn’t escape it. I began falling apart. I let him know repeatedly how I felt, that I did NOT want to be intimate if he had a GF. But that was not respected by him, as he kept coming back. I admit, a big part of me was glad he did, because my soul craved this closeness with him (and it felt soooo gooood :rofl:) But I couldn’t erase the fact my soul was also crying out in pain.

His “responses” to me as I kept trying to ask for info on his dating status, and sharing my feelings, became tinged with criticism, and never felt care from him for the pain I was enduring to keep this link alive. This dredged back up all the resentment from the past year, where he also showed me little care for anything else that hurt me. Suddenly, it seemed he thought I was just jealous, or obsessive/paranoid about our “relationship” (or rather, connection). When in reality, I was obsessive about protecting my heart and soul from further pain He’d “defend” his choice of keeping his GF, saying he “had needs”, and “it wasn’t a sin to take another lover” or that “I was taking too long (to get out of my situation, I assume). All of this made clear his view of hurting his TF repeatedly and KNOWINGLY didn’t count as him doing something “bad”.

The healing intensified as deeper traumas were brought up by his “betrayal” of my soul. After 6 months, till just LAST WEEK, It finally became clear that YES. My soul could not budge the sense of betrayal felt to keep giving this to someone who didn’t respect me, and I HAD to listen to that. I began to feel more distant to him, which I tried not to feel, as it lessened the “realness” of the experiences and I HATED tearing down something that took me 6 months to “perfect” between us. It’s also hard to rebuild once stopping, even for a few days.

So just a few days ago, he finally “said goodbye” in a song, and his energy stopped approaching mine sexually. On the one hand I was relieved because that meant I could stop the hellish pattern of having my heart so horribly mangled each week his GF came over. I could stop the terrible “waiting” for it to happen after days of us happily engaging. On the other… I was Angry because he didn’t even TRY to work it out to fix it, when I spent 6 months, breaking down every boundary to keep us together in this way. It was like “Oh… this is becoming difficult. BYE!” It’s only been a few days, and I believe I feel him and his GF going at it more than ever. The sad thing is, I don’t even know if that’s what I’m feeling. It could just be him feeling horny/self-time. But as he refused that info so I could “learn” what the energies I felt meant, I assume the worst. And the worst hurts….the worst…lol.


Remember, this was daily. For hours. When I had NO TIME already. There was no escape or “cut it short”. It felt like our souls took over, and all we could do was go along and enjoy it. Stopping or denying it became PAINFUL. It would wreck the balance of my energy. While engaging brought peace and Union energy. It honestly felt like the Universe was forcing me to go through with this experience until the bitter end, until I learned all the lessons needed And now at the possible end of this phase, I see how it was a MUST that I went through it for so long.

But boy, my work suffered, because I was preoccupied with all the triggers, healing, and fears that this dredged up, which were CONSTANT. All the meditating in the world didn’t help balance things. The ONLY thing that did, was healing the traumas dredged up. Then, one day, My twin messaged me out of NOWHERE, to tell me song/stories/pics he posted were NOT secret messages to me. You see that when I posted my QUESTIONING SANITY thread, it completely, and utterly tore my world apart.


I was ALREADY scared I was insane as my twin never (Ever) gave me validation any of this was real. Despite knowing with every ounce of my being that this was real, those songs/stories/pics were ALL I HAD as “actual” proof, easing my fears. Now that safety blanket was ripped away! So if I was wrong for 18 months about THAT, could my mind have made up hours of nightly intimate sessions with him?? It seemed impossible! It was SO REAL. The heights of pleasure were WELL beyond what I thought possible. I physically could feel him, and not while I “imagined” things happening, but while I “cleared my mind and surrendered completely”, in which his energy would become sharply clear, and is crucial to it feeling real. In those cases, it was HIS energy that dictated what happened and I had no thoughts dictating it.

To be clear, I did not FEEL insane at all. I was my usual, logical and yet odd self like always. But his denial those songs were for me (which took me about a year of note taking before I finally “believed” they actually might be for me) blew up the self trust I worked hard on for 18 months. My abuse trauma came back in and hammered it all home. My fears of becoming my mother intensified, that my mind wasn’t holding it together at all like I thought. This, coupled with extreme poverty, losing hope of getting away on my own, started a second Dark Night of the Soul.

To make things worse, the delay in leaving my “husband” left the gate wiiiide open for him to pummel me with love bombing while in this vulnerable state. He became the only voice of kindness, the only person in the world who cared about me at all. My abuser! While my TF seemingly was ripping me a new one at a soul level. It thrust me back into that ambiguous state of wondering if I was making the right decisions to leave, if I might possible be crazy. That perhaps I should “get help” before making such a big change that affected my kids. But deep inside, I could still feel my soul screeching to run away as fast as I could, because no matter how kind he was, I could still feel that undercurrent of fear. I also am NOT in love with him. So I will continue to move forward with leaving, unless the Universe shows me otherwise.

Since the start of this second DNotS (which was blessedly shorter!) I had several “divine occurrences” pointing me in the right place to regain my faith in it all. Before we stopped, the sexual intimacy with my twin became SO real, it was just. Effing. Undeniable. There as NO WAY my brain could create some of the physical things that began to occur…. Which I don’t know if I should get into too much detail about, as it’s all pretty… Salacious :rofl: And maybe TMI. Idk… let me know if I should go there, lol.


As of today, the intimacy has stopped for 3 days now. I will not seek him intimately, or try to talk to him anymore (unless he did so first, in which case I would be THRILLED), no matter how badly I want to. I’ve done everything I can on my end. The Universe sent a major sign that I had removed all my major blocks, and all that’s left for me is to continue working on balancing and healing, and trying to straighten out my life.

The ball is firmly his court now. If he wants to continue the intimacy I’d LOVE to, because I feel it would be beneficial to our connection to remain in the Union energy as much as possible, AND help us both heal further. Also… I just miss and love him so much…. :cry: But only if he chooses on his own to be single first. I also desire honest communication, and stop the games of hiding and pretending. He gets to choose, free of me, what to do with his own call from the Universe. And me… I believe if he chose to do the work and come towards me, he is plenty strong enough to make it through. But my faith in his desire he wants to do that over the comfort of his Matrix life, is much more shaky. This has set me on the course of considering a future where perhaps I meet a healed Soulmate who truly wants to be with me, love and respect me, as I hear happens often when the runner decides to keep running. It will be hard to be open to anyone else, but I have to believe the Universe has a future in store for me filled with love. I just hope in the end…it’s him. THANK YOU FOR READING :heart::heart::heart: I will update here if anything interesting happens.


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Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

Thank you for sharing your story. You have been through so much and I just wanna say, you are such a strong individual. I can’t wait to read the rest of your story and follow your journey through this forum.

Sending you so much love and strength. Know you are not alone :heart:

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You deserve so much more, dear.

No need to feel ashamed, guilty or afraid to hurt someone’s feelings, especially abuser’s. No need to feel ashamed because of love. It’s NATURE.
Shame on those who suppress the Nature — in themselves and others. Just respect your nature. That’s enough.

Never be ashamed for listening to your inner voice and following it. You can’t let others shame and blame you - but first you need to dig deep and find out why you blame and shame yourself. While you’re doing this to yourself, you’re inevitably letting others use the same tools against you.

All that terminology about “cheating”, “hurting someone’s feelings” etc. was invented by the society, which for hundreds of years has blocked true unions based on the ideals of love.
Relationships based on fear must die. Egos must be healed. Which means there will be more divorces and “cheating” in the collective. And that’s a good thing. How many divine partners are occupied by others and tied to them by “family bargains”? How many of them tie themselves to strangers because of the fear of judgement? Isn’t it scarier to live your whole life with the wrong people?

All this nonsense about cheating… Some people became so fixed with this term, pretending to be victims. What these people are really looking for is true love, in which cheating simply will not appear because there will be no real attraction to others. There is no need to control the partner when he or she is truly, divinely YOURS. So if the “cheating” happened and it’s somehow “hurted someone’s feelings” - make sure that someone isn’t occupied someone else’s divine partner.

Here’s the thing – in the adult world there’s no such thing as cheating. There’s only growth and evolution. If someone doesn’t want to be “cheated on”, then don’t occupy someone else’s partner. Or don’t give him/her a claim when he/she finally leaves.

The whole TF phenomenon is different precisely because it challenges established rules, fake marriages, loveless relationships etc.

Be strong. Being ashamed of love is like being ashamed of the Divine Feminine energy inside you. Be proud. Do your thing. Love yourself.


Hugs and so much love my sweet friend. Thank you for sharing . You are beautiful. You matter. And im glad you exist. Love you my wonderful sweet friend. :heart:

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Updated with the next part. Only one major chapter left, about Telepathic Sex. I have said most of it in the thread I posted, but not a lot about how severely impacted my life and journey, so I’ll be back with that!

Thank you guys SO MUCH for reading. Honestly, it means the world to me to feel “heard” for the first time. Especially saying it all in its raw, unedited, state. THANK YOU :pray:



Hugs and so much love my sweet friend. Thank you for sharing . You are beautiful. You matter. And im glad you exist. Love you my wonderful sweet friend. :heart:

Thank you for reading and for the supportive words, my friend. I’ve been keeping an eye out for an update on how you’re doing in your story as well! :hugs: I hope you’ve been doing okay


Hello, and thank you so much for the in depth response :hugs: It’s appreciated more than you know.

You are so right here, and I wish I wasn’t afraid to hurt someone. It’s just the way I’ve always been. Hurting someone feels like one of the worst things I could possibly do. The DNotS was particularly hard on me for that reason; I realized how much I had hurt those I loved, and let people down who believed in me, in my life. It was unbearable.

But I am learning to release responsibility for other’s feelings and actions. It’s just a slow process. When someone’s hurt… I just wanna fix it.

Never be ashamed for listening to your inner voice and following it. You can’t let others shame and blame you - but first you need to dig deep and find out why you blame and shame yourself. While you’re doing this to yourself, you’re inevitably letting others use the same tools against you.

Again, correct you are! :face_with_hand_over_mouth: My “ex” definitely uses my empathy against me. He could do the most awful things to me, but once he breaks down and cries, I just want to fix it. Not because I’m “in love” with him, but I just can’t abide someone hurting. I believe it has to do with no one being there for ME when hurting my entire life. I want to make sure everyone around me has “someone” who cares.

Relationships based on fear must die. Egos must be healed. Which means there will be more divorces and “cheating” in the collective. And that’s a good thing. How many divine partners are occupied by others and tied to them by “family bargains”? How many of them tie themselves to strangers because of the fear of judgement? Isn’t it scarier to live your whole life with the wrong people?

I agree, being with the wrong person when the TRUE person is out there. I remember the month I moved in with my (then) future husband, “R”. I told him “I get a weird feeling…. someone else is out there for you. Someone better that you could be happier with”.

He chocked it up to low self esteem, but it was a feeling I had that never went away. Despite all the hurt “R” has given me, it woke me up to the place I am now. I feel we had a “contract” for that, and to have kids, and now it is done. And at this point, us being together in the same house even if not married is delaying his own healing and finding HIS person.

All this nonsense about cheating… Some people became so fixed with this term, pretending to be victims. What these people are really looking for is true love, in which cheating simply will not appear because there will be no real attraction to others. There is no need to control the partner when he or she is truly, divinely YOURS. So if the “cheating” happened and it’s somehow “hurted someone’s feelings” - make sure that someone isn’t occupied someone else’s divine partner.

I resonate with this HARDDD! lol. I haven’t heard it put that way before “what you’re really seeking is true love where cheating simply will not appear”. And all the controlling behaviors in the world aren’t going to change the pure fact that perhaps you’re just with the wrong person.

At first I childishly tried doing something like that when “R”’s porn addiction, and many other harmful behaviors that turned up. Talking htrough it/growing just didn’t happen

Be strong. Being ashamed of love is like being ashamed of the Divine Feminine energy inside you. Be proud. Do your thing. Love yourself.

Thank you very much. I am sad being loving, giving love, and empathizing, are a sign of “weakness” to so many. When in fact, to remain such in this world takes much more strength than falling into hate and resentment.


Updated with the last part, bringing it current to March, 2025 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Thanks to any who made it through all that, and I hope I was able to make the chaos clear enough. Please let me know any thoughts, advice or questions you might have, and I sent all of you loving energy.


(post deleted by author)

I know most of us probably lurk rather than actively post often but I wanted to thank you on behalf of everyone who reads your thread and takes something away from it.

Thank you so much for sharing your journey :heart:


Aw thats so sweet. Omg… i think I finally reached the pivotal place I have been begging to be for the longest throughout this journey. Peace. True acceptance. I felt a huge massive shift and I feel Danielle’s recent reading reflected it. I am good girl. So good. I have let go and let God. I still feel my twin tug on our cord that connects us but im not letting it trigger me into a deep state of dark night of the soul or sobbing continously. Im focusing on me. Im sending him love and going on with my day. I know and trust the universe will do what its meant to, when its meant to. If and when we are both suppose to come forward and reconnect, we will. Im not hoping. Im not waiting. Im just living my life. Some weird shit has been happening and ive been feeling it but I have not been knocked off balance. I feel amazing!!!

A week or so ago something compelled me to mouth vomit to my employee about my twin. Idk why but something keptnagging at me “tell K about G”. Coincidently, K is in the same job role G was in except G was supervisor in his role and K is just tech but its the same department. Idk why but for weeks something was nagging me to tell her. We’ve gotten kind of close and bonded. And we were just talking randomly one day and i was like,
" its time for me to tell you about G".
it just flew out of my mouth. She sat and listened and didnt interupt me and thanked me for sharing when I was done. It was so weird. Because i dont talk to ppl in my real life about him cause no one gets it. I only talk to my husband. I dont even discuss it with my spiritual friends even though they have tried to be supportive. I still keep it to myself.
Anyway later that evening, i sent her a voice note thanking her for listening and allowing me a space to open up. She actually was very knowledgable about twin flames and i was surprised how much she already knew about it and considered herself a bit spiritual. She told me how lucky i was to have a connection like I have. I told her its been the most miserable thing to happen to me. Beautiful, yet miserable but thanks.

But yeah i felt strange but good after telling her. After that i got home from work and found a court thing in the mail for me. Asking if I wanted to attend a hearing for a past resident of mine and G’s who was possibly getting out of jail. He had burnt down his apartment when G and I still worked together. We managed the property where he lived. My current employee thought it was a sign that if I attend the hearing maybe G will be there too. I was like nah. And i dont plan on attending. I dont feel I need to. But it was all such a weird day. I open up to my employee then get home and get that letter in the mail. It made me focus on him and I felt a strong sense he got the same letter and it forced him to stop and focus on me too. Even if for a moment.

Also prior to all of that, maybe 3 weeks ago now, my last time i spent all weekend deep in DNOTS and sobbing, I sent my husband a voice note basically saying, "if you just look at this as a human to human connection and nothing else, i was a good friend to G… and idk why he just threw me away and hurt me like he did " my husband responded with comforting words and love and then a bit later i was crying again and in my grief i created an 11 min voice note and sent it to G. Idk if he listened to it or not. Im blocked. But it goes to his blocked folder. I told him how much he has affected my marriage cause my sweet husband has had to watch his wife grieve the loss of him for over a year and hes affected so much of my life etc. It felt good to release it all. I felt it was needed. And i listened to my voice note to my husband and to G for several nights in a row to remind myself to not go backwards. To remember this pain. And i have realized something, most of my pain, most of my tears has been the healing. And man has it been painful but oh so necessary. So I thank G for that. I wouldnt have grown, shifted and been put on this accelerated healing journey without him. Beautiful yet painful. Maybe this is a renewed period of fresh air and perspective for me. Maybe another dnot will hit me. But for now I feel I have shifted higher to another level of ascencion. And I now know the goal wasnt to go back to the old me. It was to grow. To heal. To move higher. To shift. And im doing all that currently and i feel amazing. Its almost like it happened for me overnight. Nothing about this journey has been with my permission or on my terms. It just happens and i have to learn to accept, balance and flow with it.

G has been in my dreams so much still. Even more so every night. And i appreciate it. Not dread it anymore. Im focusing on me finally and its been magical. I accept the connection. I love and miss him and know he feels the same. But im not waiting or hoping or wishing to hear from him. Im just living my life and being present in my life again. I know the healing isnt over. But where i am currently, i love it here. :heart:

I hope you have been doing better too. I think of you often and wonder how you are. Hugs my beautiful friend :heart:

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Thank you so much for saying this. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’ve been taught no one will listen, much less care, when I speak my truth. So I get pretty self conscious/ vulnerable after I post, and end up repressing again. So your words truly matter. :heart:


I’m listening and am here @StarGirl :heart: