My tale is a long one, and I hope after you read this, maybe someone can give me some advice / insight. Because right now. I feeling incredibly lost:
My Twin Flame journey started when I was 17 (I didn’t realise it at the time). My first love, my first serious boyfriend, my first a lot of things: JB. We dated for about a year and a half before we broke up. It ended badly with me ghosting him, and pretty much shutting him out of my life. He returned when we were 21 (at my Grandmother’s funeral to pay his respects) where I asked why he had decided to attend and that I never wanted to see him again. I learnt later on that he had done it because it was his last attempt to win me back. After this, we never spoke again, but he continued to stay friends with my younger brother.
Fast forward 22 years later to 2023. I was living overseas, and my father had just passed away. I travelled back home to attend the funeral, and JB turned up. He was now married (to an ex-school mate of mine that I know) with two children. I decided to let bygones be bygones, and greeted him with a hug at the wake. I also sent him a message via FB after to thank him for always being there to support my family. And we ended up talking, and meeting up to catch up. On 17 July (717), when we were saying goodbye, we kissed. And the feeling was inexplicable. His immediate exact reaction to the kiss was, “Oh boy.” It was as if someone had pressed the pause button 22 years ago, and now we had restarted were we left off.
He told me he’s always felt that I was his soulmate, and honestly the term “Twin Flame” only came to my knowledge after we reconnected. It’s been a painful journey so far because of the obstacles of the long distance and our karmic connections. I ended things with my karmic partner, and he told me that even before I came into the picture, he was planning to separate with his because she cheated on him in the past and they were only staying together for the sake of their children.
However, after a fight in April 2024, we stopped talking for 5 months. He then reappeared on my birthday in October 2024. And I had hoped that we could have a conversation about what is actually happening between us. Because we had made so many plans on how we can overcome the obstacles to actually be together and start a life. Now it seems that he is still with his karmic partner, and we are (again) not speaking.
Despite all this, I see signs everywhere. Dates. Significant numbers. Songs. Initials. Names. 717. 177. 1029. 2910. 312. 111. 222. 333.
I’ve gotten to the point that I want so badly to give up and forget about him, but unlike break ups in the past, I cannot seem to shake him off. I can hear his voice in my head sometimes, and I wonder if that is just my mind playing tricks on me. I’ve even questioned if we are actually Twin Flames because it seems like I’m the only one who is “awakened”. I’ve asked psychics about this connection, and they’ve told me it is a Twin Flame connection. But how can I be sure?
I’m honestly feeling very lost and alone. I’ve tried reaching out to him, but the last time I’ve heard from him was at Christmas. Nothing is bad between us, so the silence is confusing for me as well.
If anyone can help me, or give me any sort of advice. I would really appreciate it
Thank you for reading this crazy long essay. It helped take some weight off my chest.