TFs + Religion + Beliefs

I’m a little curious on this. So, I was bought up Catholic. I did the whole thing when I was younger: church every week, Sunday school, choir, church camps. In fact, church was were my TF and I first met. During a church youth camp when we were 17

Ever since my TF and I reconnected in 2023, I’ve felt a sort of draw towards Hinduism. I also visit India for the first time in 2024 for work, and it was such a spiritual experience for me; I cooked for a wedding ceremony there and had the chance to witness some of their tradition wedding customs. The Haldi brought me to tears; I just felt so spiritually moved.

I have always had a healthy curiosity to other religions and beliefs because I was brought up in a multiracial country. My Grandmother always taught me that the base of any religion is the same: To be kind to others, and be a good person.

Just wondered if anyone had similar experiences on their TF journey.


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What you’re describing - being raised in one tradition but feeling pulled toward another after reconnecting with your Twin - happens to many people on this path.

Twin Flame connections often trigger profound spiritual awakenings that transcend (or perhaps enhance) our original religious frameworks.

The Twin Flame concept actually spans across numerous spiritual traditions - you can find elements of it in Hindu mythology, Ancient Greek philosophy, Jungian psychology, Egyptian mysticism, and the Upanishads. It’s a universal spiritual truth that doesn’t belong to just one religion.

Your experience in India sounds beautiful.

That emotional response during the Haldi ceremony likely wasn’t random - when we’re on a Twin Flame path, we often become more sensitive to spiritual energies and rituals that honor divine connection.

Your grandmother’s teaching was spot-on. At their core, religions share fundamental truths about love, compassion, and our deeper spiritual nature. Twin Flames are often drawn to spiritual traditions that help them understand unconditional love and soul connections more deeply.

Many Twin Flames report feeling guided to explore new spiritual paths that support their growth and healing. Sometimes these new traditions offer exactly the wisdom and practices needed for that specific phase of the journey.

Have you noticed any particular Hindu concepts or practices that especially resonate with your Twin Flame experience? I’d love to hear more about that connection if you’d like to share.


@Cassady, one of the things that became part of my reconnection with my TF is my love and belief in crystal healing. He wears a necklace with a clear crystal on it, and just shortly before our reconnection, I had bought myself a rose quartz bracelet. One of our conversations was about how he was drawn to the crystal because even though it was clear, it had a slight tinge of pink at the bottom of it, and how for some reason, I was also drawn to the pink quartz. Just a funny thing that transpired during the times when my TF and I would still communicate frequently.

The one particular Hindu concept that resonates with me deeply, especially after my “awakening” is about karma, and how life goes in a circle. Also, about past lives and reincarnation. As Catholic’s don’t specifically believe in the concept of reincarnation, in Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism, it is something that is taught. That how your life is in this cycle is due to your soul’s previous journey; whether anything is “owed” from your previous life.

I guess this spoke to me also because my TF use to tell me that he strongly feels that this is not the first lifetime we have spent together, and that he spent all lifetimes looking for me, and he will always look for me in every lifetime following this one. In our initial stage of reconnection, I was the runner. And when he convinced me to stay, he would often say to me, “Don’t you believe in signs? Can’t you see all the synchronicities that appear around us since we reconnected?” Our connection has always felt to me like it is “out of this world”.

One thing he said to me that always rings in my mind is, “I believe that in another lifetime, we got it right. I imagine that it would have been you and me, with our three children. White picket fence. Our family German Shepherd. That was us, and it will be again.”

Another thing that I started to “question” is how in other religions, there was always ways to “speak” to The Source. Be it through fortune tellers, monks/priests being vessels for Gods, tarot cards etc. Whereas in Catholicism, I have always been taught to pray and have faith, and there seems to be no way to actually “speak” to God or get any sort of concrete advise.

I’m sorry if this is getting deep, and if this topic makes anyone feel uncomfortable. I know religion is one of those topics that people feel deeply about. I just want to say that this is my own journey, and it is ok if anyone has opposing feelings. I guess I’m here because I’m trying to figure things out and in a way, look for answers too.

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I think there is a thread or two about twin flames in the Bible, but for the most part I don’t think we talk much about religion.

I’m usually pretty agnostic to everything but the last few years and this journey has opened my mind to a lot.

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I’m happy to see that @Redpanda and don’t be alarmed. That’s perfectly normal and natural. :slight_smile:

Don’t forget that these are the religions and spiritual beliefs that are currently in existance, and that we know about.

Its possible that there were others in the past that had a much deeper and comprehensive understanding of the inner workings of the universe. You might “vibe” with these ancient arcana/arcane teachings more than the present ones.

Keep exploring! You never know what you might find! :blush:

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I agree! I guess if anything this journey I’ve been on has also reignited my curiosity about older beliefs/religions/faiths that are no longer widely practiced. But it has been fascinating reading about all the myths, legends and stories surrounding TFs.

I’ve felt a draw towards Hinduism like you, as well as Buddhism. I would have loved to have the chance to visit India, and experienced a wedding like you did. It must’ve been incredible :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’ve always dreamt of visiting Tibet and seeing the monks!

I heard a good quote on religion that “God/Religion is the fabric we throw over The Great Mystery, as to give it a shape we can understand”. So personally, I believe all religions are a human translation of the same exact thing.

I believe I lean more towards Buddhism in that the cycle of reincarnation can be broken with enough “work”. Ever since I was little I’ve felt “weary” of the world, and often had dreams or feelings that this was my last “go round”. I feel at peace with that thought, as it could possibly mean becoming something “beyond” afterwards, and help others in ways I couldn’t possibly as a human.

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That is the perfect quote to sum it up, @StarGirl. I do love that this TF journey has reignited this aspect for me; I find religion/old stories/history/myths/legends so fasinating.

Also, I found your story; I realize that I HAD indeed read it already. Pardon my lack of attention to the username while reading through your tale/journey. It honestly the most honest, and raw story. I have so much admiration for how far you have come, and how much strength you have to continue on your journey. :heart: