@Cassady, one of the things that became part of my reconnection with my TF is my love and belief in crystal healing. He wears a necklace with a clear crystal on it, and just shortly before our reconnection, I had bought myself a rose quartz bracelet. One of our conversations was about how he was drawn to the crystal because even though it was clear, it had a slight tinge of pink at the bottom of it, and how for some reason, I was also drawn to the pink quartz. Just a funny thing that transpired during the times when my TF and I would still communicate frequently.
The one particular Hindu concept that resonates with me deeply, especially after my “awakening” is about karma, and how life goes in a circle. Also, about past lives and reincarnation. As Catholic’s don’t specifically believe in the concept of reincarnation, in Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism, it is something that is taught. That how your life is in this cycle is due to your soul’s previous journey; whether anything is “owed” from your previous life.
I guess this spoke to me also because my TF use to tell me that he strongly feels that this is not the first lifetime we have spent together, and that he spent all lifetimes looking for me, and he will always look for me in every lifetime following this one. In our initial stage of reconnection, I was the runner. And when he convinced me to stay, he would often say to me, “Don’t you believe in signs? Can’t you see all the synchronicities that appear around us since we reconnected?” Our connection has always felt to me like it is “out of this world”.
One thing he said to me that always rings in my mind is, “I believe that in another lifetime, we got it right. I imagine that it would have been you and me, with our three children. White picket fence. Our family German Shepherd. That was us, and it will be again.”
Another thing that I started to “question” is how in other religions, there was always ways to “speak” to The Source. Be it through fortune tellers, monks/priests being vessels for Gods, tarot cards etc. Whereas in Catholicism, I have always been taught to pray and have faith, and there seems to be no way to actually “speak” to God or get any sort of concrete advise.
I’m sorry if this is getting deep, and if this topic makes anyone feel uncomfortable. I know religion is one of those topics that people feel deeply about. I just want to say that this is my own journey, and it is ok if anyone has opposing feelings. I guess I’m here because I’m trying to figure things out and in a way, look for answers too.