Twin Flame Telepathy Sex - What do I do?

Hi there. Kinda long, but I really could use an opinion or two!

I’ve been on the TF journey since June 2023, I am the DF. I’ve decided to completely pull away (in the good energy, proper way) to take care of myself two months ago, early September.

Shortly afterwards, the telepathic sexual energy between us, which has been growing over the past years, went EFFING CRAZY! One night it felt like he grabbed me physically (he’s 2k miles away) and, well… had his way with me. It was absolutely BEYOND explanation how incredible it was, and how good it felt! 100x better than anything I’ve experienced. I was in shock…to say the least.

Every single night since we’ve been at it like fricking telepathic rabbits, for hours on end sometimes. The ecstasy and intimacy between us is completely off the charts every single time (70 days now!) It’s an unavoidable pull, there is NO saying no. And we’ve both tried HARD to stop doing this for reasons which bring me to my dilemma.

He is very Dismissive Avoidant. But I did the work, healed the triggers, and came to accept he is where he is and I deserved better, which led to me ‘leaving’. But now that we’re suddenly THROWN together in the most intimate way possible (like seriously, Souls merging in and out of eachother, shared chakras going nuts…and Hieros Gamos is real), the triggers are back and hurt at a MUCH DEEPER level.

So I’ve been quickly working through things all over again, albeit much quicker and easier as I know what I’m doing now. I tried talking calmly and lovingly to him about my fears and feelings when I was triggered, that I was hurt he engages with me telepathically/sexually, but barely talks to me. And also asked if had a GF still or not, because it meant a lot to me to not be intimate with someone taken. Enter again the Dismissive Avoidant. Ignoring all of it and insulting me by posting songs about talking too much (like… three emails over 70 days too much…), and declaring that he was done with me, and it was over.

Okay, I thought, I want nothing to do with someone who treats my feelings that way. For a week we both tried HARD not to engage sexually. It was a painful, torturous week. The pull NEVER lessened In the end he caved, and I did when he did, and we’ve been back at it, stronger than ever, now with what I believe is Union energy. ever since. But now he’s even more distant, talks to me even less, and doesn’t even post stories anymore, which hurts. But telepathically/intimately, we’re closer and better than ever.

Seriously…I’ve learned a lot about how telepathic sex works, and what I need to do energetically to make it even more incredible for us both. In the 5D, all is perfection between us. The love is off the wall. I feel and know him now better than I ever did before. But in the 3D….

Aren’t I supposed to draw boundaries over how he treats me before I engage intimately? Placing boundaries has been a massive lesson of mine. How can I when it’s like God is smashing us together on purpose, and to say ‘no’ is painful, and feels completely wrong an unnatural? Is the lesson to accept the 5D connection, even if he had a girlfriend, and even if he treats me poorly in 3D?

We’re both also realizing there’s no getting away from each other or this. We can’t be sexual with others without the other feeling it and causing all kinds of energetic havoc. He seems pissed about being forced into this, and upset at ME, and it makes me feel like I’m just some bothersome pest he has to live with :cry:

Anyway, sorry for the novel. I would appreciate any thoughts, I’m really struggling.


Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

I don’t know if I’ve had it quite as intense as you two, but the telepathic sex thing is intense. It’s like your souls are merging, even if your 3D selves are totally out of sync.

It sounds like you already know that you need space to work on yourself but it’s hard to say no to that kind of energy…

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I felt this exact same way for a while. Maybe it is just something he is working through, which is why you feel it.

It sounds like you already know what you need to do, though. You are already making progress :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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You’ve done it once. You can do it again. It sounds like maybe this is part of your journey and part of the work you need to do.

Maybe it’s also completely healthy, and there’s no need to change anything… as long as you don’t let it distract you too much.

Maybe it’s even a good sign. He’s withdrawing because he needs some space to do his own work, but he’s certainly aware of the connection.

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I wish I had this kind of experience while separated!

You are right about needing to draw that line though. No matter what the energy is like on the 5D, maybe it’s testing how truly ready you are to work on yourself.

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That’s happened to me too.

And that’s how I started to recognize that he is my twin flame — because the attraction is beyond words.

For a year, I’ve been honestly living this the way it is. Gave in to the attraction and handled it on my own. On the so-called 5D we have a beautiful union and even a “wedding”…

However, at some point there was a shift and I asked myself — do I want to continue living only in 5D fantasies, or do I love myself more, to claim the happiness in 3D?

The 5D stage is the right spiritual practice to open the one’s heart, but then it risks becoming a delayed life syndrome.

And then very quickly, literally within a month my masochistic chemistry was over, and I felt I was no longer attracted to a man who in the 3D world pretends I don’t exist. I need all or nothing.

For the first time ever, I didn’t want to look at him or search him in a crowd, and instead I felt so much compassion to myself and to my feelings.

No, I haven’t fallen out of love with him. He just doesn’t yet represent the version of himself that makes me happier than when I’m without him. So what’s the point of me triggering my own emotional chemistry by thinking of him? It didn’t make sense anymore.

And it’s finally not about the “I’ll ignore you to spite you” reaction (I’ve done that many times and always fallen back on old patterns).

It is literally a change in body’s chemistry that happens in it’s own timing if we have enough patience to stay in that purging process and surrender to what comes, without losing compassion to ourselves…

I used to be drawn to that unhealthy patterns, and now I’m not. It’s just ended. That’s what I recognize as healing.

I still can cry a lot, but I lose the strength to fight my discomfort or run away from it, or deny it. So for now I can only stay in it and suddenly it turns out it is possible to live with it… And there’s a lot of hidden sexual energy that can be used as a creative fuel…
And the rest is really up to God.


I’ve experienced that intense telepathic connection, too, and it can be both exhilarating and deeply confusing (though it’s only happened once or twice, not as often as yours).

While it feels incredible, it’s important to honor your own needs and boundaries in the 3D, even as you navigate this profound soul connection. Perhaps the lesson is learning to hold space for both the ethereal intimacy and the human relationship dynamics simultaneously, trusting that alignment will come in divine timing.

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Sometimes I feel him touching me or hear his voice at night but I’ve been too scared to lean into the experience so I kind of shut it away. Maybe I shouldn’t… Even if its messy in 3d right now, the love and intimacy in 5d are so beautiful and pure

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As a runner, I can relate to feeling overwhelmed by the intense telepathic connection and pushing away in the 3D, even while being drawn closer energetically - it’s a confusing and frustrating experience that takes time to reconcile for both sides.

I don’t think I’ve ever felt it being that sexual (I’d be open to it) but as others have said it might be part of the journey you go through.

Sounds amazing but also really challenging!? Maybe you need to try setting energetic boundaries during your telepathic encounters to protect your heart while still embracing the connection? ?

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(post deleted by author)

Thank you for your comment :smiling_face: It’s becoming apparent my work in this situation is to fight for myself and what’s right for me, and to be strong enough to let him go in order to do so, even if what I’m letting go is the most amazing, incredible, mind-blowing, intimate thing II’ve ever experienced. Now I know I can do the impossible to take care of myself. But it’ll take a lot of practice staying in this energy space.

Thinking about it, I’d recommend the experience, at least once, no matter what’s going on between the 3-D. There’s nothing like it in this Universe.

I wonder if this is a trend for all of us. The temptation is to not make change whether it is the easier choice or because we’re giving up something like this.

Either way. You’ve got this. :heart: :muscle:


… Asking for a friend :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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Ha, I’m not really sure if I can describe it, but first, learn to meditate daily so you’re used to entering that state of mind and learning to stay present, in order to focus your thoughts. This is very important!

Anyway, if you feel that intense sexual energy, lay down, eyes closed/eye mask, zero distraction (wear ear plugs or listen to calm music you like), and enter the meditative state. Let yourself feel that sexual energy, without a fight. Try to imagine what must be done to elicit that sensation, and imagine it’s your TF doing it with you.

Imagine in as much detail as you can how you’d respond (images are okay, but it’s your imagining your own sensations felt that come across the most, not imagining what his must be), and and send it back to him. Then wait to feel his response. I imagine a circle of energy in a clockwise motion, the energy moves from my twin through me (breathing in), then around back to my twin, through him, and around again (breathing out).

And the general vibe you must carry is one of surrender and peace. Switch your energy from “giving” to “receiving” (this was hard for me) and relax and wait for the energies to come.

I starting engaging slowly with his sexual energy for about a year Steadily gained strength, until it became undeniably real, even for my TF. Eventually, I learned enough to where I could relax and let his energy take over, making it feel REAL, and make it feel one constant orgasm that will not end :joy:

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UPDATE :smiling_face: After a brutal battle of energies between us, he finally posted this song, along with a picture of his dog(those are messages especially meant for me).

This is RARE for him to post something this blunt, but it answered the intense telepathic conversations we had while I was denying him, asked him over and over,” Do you love me?”

Sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain
Sunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain
The dark days are gone
And the bright days are here
My Sunny one shines so sincere
Sunny one so true, I love you

Sunny, thank you for the sunshine bouquet (that sweet bouquet)
Sunny, thank you for the love you brought my way
You gave to me your all and all
Now I feel ten feet tall
Sunny one so true, I love you

Sunny, thank you for the truth you let me see
Sunny, thank you for the facts from A to Z
My life was torn like a windblown sand
And the rock was formed when you held my hand
Sunny one so true, I love you


Sunny, thank you for the smile upon your face
Sunny, thank you for the gleam that shows its grace
You’re my spark of nature’s fire
You’re my sweet complete desire
Sunny one so true, I love you

Sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain
Sunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain
The dark days are gone
And the bright days are here
My Sunny one shines so sincere
Sunny one so true, I love you

I love you (you’re my baby)
I love you (Sunny)
I love you
I love you (Sunny)

So then we…re-engaged :joy: And now it’s freaking even better!! Now I can reach a place where it truly feels like my real TF is here (no kidding) with real-life occurring sensations. It feels like he finally accepted he actually loves me!

But I’m being careful. I had asked him to email or call me if he wanted to work through this, and one heart melting song won’t do it. The original issues must be fixed to keep this going.

But in this case, looks like my setting a boundary and keeping it had quite the effect on him :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m both super excited for you and pleased that you’re being sensible too. Wishing you both the best :heart: and if you ever share your full story on Twin Flame Stories I’ll be the first to read!

While the 5D connection is intense, your twin’s dismissive behavior in 3D shows they’re still processing their own fears and wounds.

My advice would be to focus on maintaining healthy boundaries for yourself - engaging in profound energetic intimacy while being treated poorly in the physical world can deepen your pain rather than support your growth.

This powerful sexual energy serves a purpose in your spiritual growth, but shouldn’t come at the cost of your emotional wellbeing. Trust that maintaining healthy boundaries won’t block your true connection - it will strengthen it.