Hi there. Kinda long, but I really could use an opinion or two!
I’ve been on the TF journey since June 2023, I am the DF. I’ve decided to completely pull away (in the good energy, proper way) to take care of myself two months ago, early September.
Shortly afterwards, the telepathic sexual energy between us, which has been growing over the past years, went EFFING CRAZY! One night it felt like he grabbed me physically (he’s 2k miles away) and, well… had his way with me. It was absolutely BEYOND explanation how incredible it was, and how good it felt! 100x better than anything I’ve experienced. I was in shock…to say the least.
Every single night since we’ve been at it like fricking telepathic rabbits, for hours on end sometimes. The ecstasy and intimacy between us is completely off the charts every single time (70 days now!) It’s an unavoidable pull, there is NO saying no. And we’ve both tried HARD to stop doing this for reasons which bring me to my dilemma.
He is very Dismissive Avoidant. But I did the work, healed the triggers, and came to accept he is where he is and I deserved better, which led to me ‘leaving’. But now that we’re suddenly THROWN together in the most intimate way possible (like seriously, Souls merging in and out of eachother, shared chakras going nuts…and Hieros Gamos is real), the triggers are back and hurt at a MUCH DEEPER level.
So I’ve been quickly working through things all over again, albeit much quicker and easier as I know what I’m doing now. I tried talking calmly and lovingly to him about my fears and feelings when I was triggered, that I was hurt he engages with me telepathically/sexually, but barely talks to me. And also asked if had a GF still or not, because it meant a lot to me to not be intimate with someone taken. Enter again the Dismissive Avoidant. Ignoring all of it and insulting me by posting songs about talking too much (like… three emails over 70 days too much…), and declaring that he was done with me, and it was over.
Okay, I thought, I want nothing to do with someone who treats my feelings that way. For a week we both tried HARD not to engage sexually. It was a painful, torturous week. The pull NEVER lessened In the end he caved, and I did when he did, and we’ve been back at it, stronger than ever, now with what I believe is Union energy. ever since. But now he’s even more distant, talks to me even less, and doesn’t even post stories anymore, which hurts. But telepathically/intimately, we’re closer and better than ever.
Seriously…I’ve learned a lot about how telepathic sex works, and what I need to do energetically to make it even more incredible for us both. In the 5D, all is perfection between us. The love is off the wall. I feel and know him now better than I ever did before. But in the 3D….
Aren’t I supposed to draw boundaries over how he treats me before I engage intimately? Placing boundaries has been a massive lesson of mine. How can I when it’s like God is smashing us together on purpose, and to say ‘no’ is painful, and feels completely wrong an unnatural? Is the lesson to accept the 5D connection, even if he had a girlfriend, and even if he treats me poorly in 3D?
We’re both also realizing there’s no getting away from each other or this. We can’t be sexual with others without the other feeling it and causing all kinds of energetic havoc. He seems pissed about being forced into this, and upset at ME, and it makes me feel like I’m just some bothersome pest he has to live with
Anyway, sorry for the novel. I would appreciate any thoughts, I’m really struggling.