What Are Your Most "WOW!" Synchronicities?

I just sat down in my living room and turned the TV on, then I almost mechanically opened the Netflix app. I browsed in the newly added choices, than decided “well, I think I’m gonna start the ‘Man on the Inside’” series. So I pressed play.

You know what the first scene is ? We’re taken back to the main character’s young days when he’s making a speech answering the question “How did he know she (his now late wife) was the one?”

Guess what.
The speech started, was sweet, reminding me of my wife/twin and me… than all of a sudden, I felt like checking the time on my phone, for no other reason than an intuition nudge of some kind : 11:11

And the speech kept going for the whole 11:11 minute shown on my phone.

I’ll paste the speech text transcript below, but, for me it was one of those so surprising synchronicities moments, so random, but yet coming at such the perfect time this Sunday morning. Mind-blowing.

I had SO many mind-blowing moments like that in the past two years, some small like this one, some insane (see my story about Anne in the https://twinflameforum.com/t/can-you-marry-your-twin-flame/ thread for an exemple), and I’ll share more if you guys embark with me in this thread. But today this made me want to know about yours.

So - what are the most :exploding_head: synchronicities you received?

Here’s the speech transcript part (the part that was on the 11:11 minute) :
But the reason I knew she was the one for me, is the second I met her, I had a thought. It was persistent, this thought. Wouldn’t leave my head. “This is the person I want to grow old with.”


Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

After confessing my feelings to my twin and leaving the door open for her to respond whenever she was ready, Danielle (PureTwinFlames) sent me a reading that said my twin has finally faced the truth of our connection and that I would start seeing signs and synchs. I IMMEDIATELY saw feathers on the ground, then walked into a T-shirt shop and saw a row of hoodies similar to one my twin has, and heard a song on the radio relevant to our relationship.

Later, I saw that my twin had added a song to a Spotify playlist about wanting to conceive. Right around this time, Danielle sent me a NSFW reading that included “your twin fantasizes about “an accident” happening between you both”. This one hit me like a ton of bricks, but in the best way possible, and I found myself writing down extremely graphic thoughts I had on that subject, like I was on autopilot. When I reread what I wrote later, I was pretty stunned.


Those moments when everything aligns perfectly like that - the timing, the content, the meaning - they really take your breath away. Whenever people are not sure if they’re really on the journey or not I think they’re either not open to spotting these signs or they don’t have a mirror soul out there.

Sometimes they’re just too obvious there’s no way to question or put it down to coincidence.

My absolute biggest sync is my own twin and I had exactly the same dream. I mean exactly the same. We both had sacrificed a lot and constructed our whole lives around this dream and thought that even dating someone else would mean they have to give up on their dream or I give up on mine.

As it turns out, we both get to push each other forward.

Sure, I’ve got messages at 11:11 and downloads of signs before turning a corner and physically seeing them, but the way our lives just lined up was a big one for me.

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Well, the big sign for me are Tigers, because of a silly nickname I gave him. Tigers, tigers, everywhere :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Always insane timing (usually when I’m doubting) and in places I wouldn’t expect one to appear. I’ll also have a tiger flash in my mind out of nowehere whenever his energy feels…rascally, lol. :tiger2:

Also the number 27 haunts me constantly, daily, hourly sometimes. Also when I’m doubting (looking it up, I believe it to mean “relax and trust the journey”), and it’s never steered me wrong.

Another random thing, but we both hold sandwiches in the same weird “clamp” (it keeps those sammy innards inside, lol!). I noticed this 18 years ago before I was aware and thought it was nuts anyone else did that.

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The scent of lavender unexpectedly filled my room one day while thinking of my twin flame. It was our shared favorite fragrance, and in that moment, I felt our connection so strongly despite the physical distance between us.


My most WOW experienced that happened was in October 2023; a short period when my TF and I were in union. We had decided to take a short trip to Taiwan together; he was going on a business trip and asked me to tag along.

The first night after dinner, we were taking a walk around the area, and passed by a busker along the street, and she was playing the song 青花瓷 (qing hua ci) by 周杰伦 (Jay Chou) on her violin. If any of you are curious about the song, the link is below; in a nutshell, it is about two people who find each other through the journey of lifetimes. It starts in the time when China had dynasties and emperors, and goes through into present day. It’s a beautiful song, and a very meaningful music video.

My goosebumps were standing, and I smiled like crazy. I looked at him and said excitedly, “THIS SONG! It’s a song about soul mates! It’s by Jay Chou.” At the time, the term Twin Flames had not come to my knowledge. And he looked at me, and kissed me and said, “Well, it’s probably coz you are my soul mate, and the universe knows we would be here together at this moment. Everything happens for a reason.”

Just a beautiful memory I am blessed to have shared with him in our time together that I keep close to my heart :heart:


We have the same name


There is a tradition in many Christian communities of countries within Europe and the Americas, to assign a middle name to children when they are baptized.

This middle name is normaly that of a Biblical character or other Christian saint, and each name has an associated day with it. This day is celebrated just like your birthday. It happens every year with a party and festivities. :slightly_smiling_face:

After all, who doesn’t want 2 birthday parties in a year! :sweat_smile:

Coincidently (or not), my “name day” is my twin flame’s birthday. :wink:


I had the craziest sync just yesterday (still gives me goosebumps!) and was thinking about reaching out to my twin when suddenly my favorite childhood song (I hadn’t heard it in years!) started playing in the store, and right at that moment, my phone lit up with a text from them saying they’d been thinking of me too!


omg yes, those tv syncs hit different! had one last month where i was journaling about my twin and literally the exact scene playing in the background mentioned ‘twin souls finding each other’ at 4:44 i nearly fell off my chair those moments feel so personal, like the universe is giving us a wink


OMG, your 11:11 story gave me chills because just last week I was thinking about my TF and looked at my phone. It was 11:11 and the song playing (which I hadn’t even chosen, it was on shuffle!) had lyrics about finding your soulmate, like WHAT are the odds, LOL?!

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That is not really a “twin flames” synchronicity I just experienced, but damn I’m again speechless at how the universe can align things.

In the mariage thread, like I said in my first post here, I went to the Basilica a Wednesday which is not in my habits, and received the most powerful synchronicity in my journey than, in the summer of 2023.

This morning, I went through similar - started working from home, but I was not feeling it. After a while, I said to my team I’d take a few hours off and be back later. I felt, again, that going to the Basilica would help me change my mind and appease my heart (I’m feeling my twins regrets and her fight to be ready to come back to our marriage very strongly this week).

That’s funny, because on the road I was thinking “So, universe, what synchronicity do you have for me this Wednesday?”

Well, it can seem very far stretched, but to me it actually spoke quite loudly.

I’m, like everyone that has empathy (I’m myself an intuitive empath), having a hard time with current world events. I’m very informed, and I do my best to share the right informations with my friends and family.

Tomorrow is the G7 summit in Canada, in Charlevoix, which is at about 40 minutes from the Basilica on the same road I spoke about in the marriage theard.

Happens that the whole Japanese delegation was having a pee stop at the Basilica toilets. I had to go through the whole Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs gang to get to the toilets, with two body guards helping me through.

Now, that’s very random. However - the timing, the fact it’s the Japanese, and the fact it was at the Basilica, again on a working Wednesday - you know how I said at the end of my post in the marriage thread I suspected my uncle (former Christian missionary in Japan) to be a strong force behind me ? Well, that synchronicity just there brought me back to him. And that made me laugh.

The randomness of this synchronicity feels like a funny joke from my uncle who wanted to let me know that yes, he’s behind me, and maybe also that the world will be okay (you know, as long as Japaneses exist, awesomeness in human will prevail).

Synchronicities FTW, however strange they may be !!

I once found a perfect star-shaped leaf while walking my dog during a difficult time in my life. It brought an instant feeling of peace, like the universe was confirming I was exactly where I needed to be.

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