What Are Your Most "WOW!" Synchronicities?

That is not really a “twin flames” synchronicity I just experienced, but damn I’m again speechless at how the universe can align things.

In the mariage thread, like I said in my first post here, I went to the Basilica a Wednesday which is not in my habits, and received the most powerful synchronicity in my journey than, in the summer of 2023.

This morning, I went through similar - started working from home, but I was not feeling it. After a while, I said to my team I’d take a few hours off and be back later. I felt, again, that going to the Basilica would help me change my mind and appease my heart (I’m feeling my twins regrets and her fight to be ready to come back to our marriage very strongly this week).

That’s funny, because on the road I was thinking “So, universe, what synchronicity do you have for me this Wednesday?”

Well, it can seem very far stretched, but to me it actually spoke quite loudly.

I’m, like everyone that has empathy (I’m myself an intuitive empath), having a hard time with current world events. I’m very informed, and I do my best to share the right informations with my friends and family.

Tomorrow is the G7 summit in Canada, in Charlevoix, which is at about 40 minutes from the Basilica on the same road I spoke about in the marriage theard.

Happens that the whole Japanese delegation was having a pee stop at the Basilica toilets. I had to go through the whole Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs gang to get to the toilets, with two body guards helping me through.

Now, that’s very random. However - the timing, the fact it’s the Japanese, and the fact it was at the Basilica, again on a working Wednesday - you know how I said at the end of my post in the marriage thread I suspected my uncle (former Christian missionary in Japan) to be a strong force behind me ? Well, that synchronicity just there brought me back to him. And that made me laugh.

The randomness of this synchronicity feels like a funny joke from my uncle who wanted to let me know that yes, he’s behind me, and maybe also that the world will be okay (you know, as long as Japaneses exist, awesomeness in human will prevail).

Synchronicities FTW, however strange they may be !!