Out of curiosity, what is the longest anyone here has experienced being in separation with their TF before they return?
I realised while learning more about TFs that there are always periods of reunion, then separation, and repeat until both TFs have done their healing. Love to hear everyone’s
My journey thus far:
Age 17 - met my TF and dated for 1.5 years before separating
Age 39 - reunited with my TF after 22 years
In reunion for 5 months before this pattern emerged:
Hello, thanks for sharing. And the above statement is so apt. The rollercoaster of separation and reunion is not for the faint-hearted. Which clearly twin-flames aren’t, we’re made of tough stuff. As we know, God only gives you what you can handle (yikes).
When I read your story on separation and re-union and other TFs on here, it makes me a little coy about my own situation as we don’t have these long periods between separation and reunion. My twin and I have only known each other for 4 years and we are both in our 50s. We have had countless separations and re-unions in this time, way too many for people to still take us seriously as a romantic couple.
When I first started posting on here (only a short time ago), we were in separation and he had just entered a phase of active growth and healing (been a long time coming). This has lifted both our vibrations and we are in union again. It feels smoother and easier now we have both put effort towards our own growth, learning and healing rather than focussing on ‘what the other one should do’. I am really proud of him how far he has come in a short time of ‘awakening’.
The rollercoaster of the last 4 years finally feels worth it and we are determined not to stop our learning and growth as this seems the only way to make the most of twin flame connection and hopefully remain in union and grow together.
I want everyone to have a happy ending and find themselves in reunion. The deep ache of separation is so gut-wrenching. I wish you and your twin the mastery of all the necessary steps you have to individually take to reach your union. Keep us posted.
Thank you. Honestly, finding this forum has made me understand my journey so much more. There isn’t anyone who I can talk to who would truly understand how this feels, or the concept of Twin Flames. I know I’m on a personal journey that is unique. But of course, every day I pray for clarity and strength to heal and find self love so hopefully, we can come together in the future
But I’d be cautious about using this kind of data to compare with your own path.
What appears as separation in the physical world is actually an illusion - you and your twin flame share the same soul energy and can never truly be separated. The physical distance or silence happens when there’s an imbalance in the shared energetic field between twins.
The timing of physical separation varies greatly between different twin flames because each journey is unique.
The reason this is important is nobody should be comparing their journey against another.
One couple might be separated for a week while another separates for a decade.
What matters isn’t how long the separation lasts, but rather using that time to balance your energy and align more closely with your soul. When you focus on healing and balancing yourself rather than on the physical separation, you create the conditions for reunion.
Looking at your specific pattern - the alternating periods of connection and silence are showing you areas where energy still needs to be balanced. The varying lengths of separation aren’t random - they’re opportunities for deeper healing and alignment.
Try seeing these cycles as necessary steps in your journey.
Thank you for your advice. This journey is just so isolating at times. I’m still learning about all the 3D and 5D aspects of TF connections. It’s great to get insight and perspective