Wrote a poem about my TF, who is The Runner

The runner

I know you’re scared, petrified

I’ve seen the real you, what you’ve struggled to hide

Your potential is unending, unlimited, pure

Of this ultimate certainty, I am eternally sure

I will not try to fix you, not calm your storm

Just see I am here for you, always, your mirror form

You don’t have to run from me, not anymore

I won’t pursue, but I’ll never shut the door

When I first met you, I immediately understood

That there was no one else like you, so sweet and good

So many demons to battle, so many fighters to face

I know you’ll get through this, transform trauma to grace

You’re doing the inner work, the balance is coming

I feel this in the heart of my core, a runner evolving

Observing this from afar, we stay connected through soul

My inner work matches yours, we’re both becoming whole

I chased out of ego, I chased out of pain

Abandonment, nerves, anxiety and shame

Only you could drive this junk out of me

Only you could set my heart free

My brain does not comprehend this endless strife

But my heart is certain I’ve chosen you for life

Because of you, I’ve learned life’s greatest lesson

Unconditional love for myself and you, endless compassion

Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

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