Can Your Twin Flame Really HATE You?

Sometimes, it feels like we’re on exactly the same page, and sometimes, their hot/cold running goes so far that I feel like my twin flame hates me. Is it possible? Can they really hate me, or is it a manifestation of a different energy on the 3D?

There are days when I feel an inexplicable anger towards my runner DM, and I know it feels like hatred, but I know there’s still that love below the surface, and the anger is something else. Maybe the perceived hatred merely reflects our inner turmoil, a mirror showing me the parts of myself I’ve yet to accept and heal.

Any advice appreciated :heart:


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Hi Sarah :wave:

In case @Redpanda is asleep (is this the first time I beat her to this?) you might want to see these:

But this is a good topic and deserves a reply, and maybe a better discussion (the staff can always merge the threads later if they want to).

I think you The intense emotions that can arise between twins - including what feels like hatred - often stem from the deep mirror effect of this connection.

It sounds like you probably know this already, but just for anyone else reading…

What you’re experiencing isn’t actually hatred in the conventional sense. We just don’t really have the language to explain it in a suitable way.

It’s more like an intense triggering of unresolved wounds, fears and shadows within both of you. Because twin flames share such an intimate energetic connection, these triggered emotions can feel overwhelmingly powerful.

When twins appear to “hate” each other, it’s usually because:

  1. They’re experiencing their own self-hatred reflected back at them through their twin
  2. Deep fears of intimacy and vulnerability are being activated
  3. Old wounds around love, trust and abandonment are surfacing
  4. Their ego is trying to protect them from perceived emotional threat
  5. Unresolved karma between the pair is coming up for healing

The anger you mentioned feeling is totally normal - it’s often your system’s way of processing and releasing old pain. The fact that you can still sense the underlying love beneath the surface shows you’re staying connected to the truth of your bond.

Some suggestions for working through these intense periods:

  • Remember that extreme negative emotions are usually signs of deep healing taking place
  • Focus on self-love and acceptance, as this helps transmute the triggered emotions
  • When anger arises, try to sit with it and ask what it’s trying to tell you
  • Consider that your twin’s apparent “hatred” may be their own pain and fear being projected
  • Trust that these phases are temporary, even if they feel endless in the moment

You’re right that this reflects inner work that needs to be done. As you continue healing yourself, you’ll likely notice these extreme swings between love and “hate” begin to settle into a more balanced dynamic.

The intensity of emotion in twin flame connections can be overwhelming, but it’s a important purpose is bringing shadows into the light for healing. Stay focused on your own growth while holding space for your twin’s process too.

Perfectly normal, nothing going wrong or anything to worry about. It’s more about the intense, energetic dynamics between you two.

Think of it like this: you’re the push energy, and they’re the pull energy. That’s why things can feel so volatile and why you get those hot/cold patterns.

When you feel those intense negative emotions, or when you think you’re sensing them from your twin, it’s usually your own inner stuff being mirrored back to you. The anger, hurt, or perceived hatred is more about what needs healing within yourself than actual negative feelings from your twin flame.

This isn’t your typical relationship - it’s a soul journey. Those difficult emotions you’re experiencing are actually disruptions in your energetic field that need balancing. It’s all part of moving from fear-based reactions to more soul-aligned responses.

Carl Jung once said: ‘Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.’

I’ve found that what we perceive as hatred is often our deepest love reflected through the prism of our unhealed wounds. Like looking at a beautiful garden through a cracked window - the beauty is still there, but the cracks distort our perception.

These moments of perceived hatred are simply those barriers making themselves known. Don’t let these temporary distortions of perception convince you that the underlying truth of your connection has changed.

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I can’t say I ever really HATED my twin though there were moments when they angered me and filled me with despair at their destructive antics and inability to speak their truth to me. We would have bust ups and maybe sulk for a week then we’d just carry on as before and not mention the issue again which in the moment was fine but in the long run just ensured matters grew worse. It was funny really as we could anger each other but neither of us wanted to fall out nor really intended to anger one another.

The irony came many years later when I realised we were twins and I began doing my homework, re-examining what went on with an awakened mind and basically, it was the mirroring effect every time. Sure I despaired at their inability to speak their truth and their destructive habits but guess what? I was equally as bad with the very same issues, only my destructive habits were different from theirs but still habits that enabled me to run and hide from my real feelings and issues.

It certainly feels like mine hates me almost all the time, lol. But I also believe he sees some kind of false straw-man version of me that lies/manipulates/controls, etc based on his own traumas, and he hates that.

I could never hate him. I love his stupid face.

We’re often shown exactly what we need to see in our twin, even if it takes us a while to recognize it in ourselves. This kind of self-awareness is absolutely gorgeous to witness. You’ve perfectly captured one of the most magical aspects of the journey - that moment when we can look back with love and understand what once frustrated us.

Your story inspires others who might still be in that space of frustration with their twin. It shows how wonderfully perspective can shift when we embrace the learning!

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Keep in mind that this journey is really more about growing personally and aligning with your soul, rather than dealing with typical relationship stuff like blame or expectations.

I’ve felt that same burning anger you’re describing, and what helped me most was realizing it wasn’t actually hatred - it was my own unhealed parts screaming for attention through the mirror of our connection.

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I totally get those moments when it feels like pure hatred - I’ve been there, feeling that intense anger burning through me, but I’ve learned it’s usually triggered when my twin shows back something I’m desperately trying to avoid seeing in myself. When my twin was particularly cold, I realized the ‘hatred’ I felt from them was actually my own fear of abandonment reflecting back at me, and once I started healing that wound, those intense negative feelings started to fade. what feels like hatred is often just intense love that’s gotten twisted up in our own unresolved stuff - it’s like looking at yourself in a broken mirror and getting angry at the distorted reflection.

It’s really their deepest love trying to break through layers of fear and pain. They might even think it’s hatred though, because they don’t know how to process this yet.

“I love and hate how thin the line is,” just like Taylor Swift says. I feel this in my bones because that feeling of hatred often comes in waves, especially when it reflects our deepest wounds and traumas.

For me, it was always strongest when my twin would go silent, triggering my abandonment issues so intensely that love would morph into a burning rage that felt like hatred. In reality, it was just love screaming through layers of pain.

When I finally understood that my twin’s “hatred” was actually highlighting where I needed to heal my own self-hatred, everything shifted. Now, those intense emotions feel more like signposts pointing me toward growth rather than actual hatred from either of us.

Twin flames can absolutely hate each other at first.

My experience was similar. We met as teenagers and immediately clashed, having explosive arguments over the most trivial things. This raw, inexplicable intensity made us react so strongly to each other. Neither of us was typically confrontational people, yet something about our dynamic brought out this fierce energy.

Looking back, I see that mirror effect everyone talks about. Seeing the worst parts of yourself reflected in another person can be deeply triggering. But that initial friction is often part of the process.

You may notice that your twin flame connection emerged from past wounds and trauma - it’s very common. Like many others, you might have experienced childhood hurts that still influence how you relate to others today. When these old wounds remain unhealed, it’s easy to project those familiar painful dynamics onto your twin flame.

You might find yourself idealizing certain relationships while being overly critical of others or making snap judgments about people based on gut feelings rather than reality. You even see it sometimes here on the forum.

Notice how you react strongly to situations that remind you of past pain. This heightened sensitivity often shows what still needs healing within yourself. The key is recognizing these patterns so you can begin to separate old trauma responses from your true twin flame connection.